Many European leaders have called for a two-state solution to the crisis in the Middle East.
Many European leaders have called for a two-state solution to the crisis in the Middle East. That is, for a Palestinian state to be created alongside Israel. They have been eloquent. They have been forceful. They have been adamant. They have been compelling. They have been unanimous. (At least I could find no opposition, whatsoever, to this stance.)
For example:
According to UK’s Prime Minister Keir Starmer: “… a two-state solution is ‘the only viable long-term route through’ the conflicts in the Middle East.”
In the view of European High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell: “Let nobody say: ‘This is not the right time for the Two-State Solution’. When was it ‘the right time’? How many people must die before it is ‘the right time’? If the Two-State Solution is not the solution, then which is the solution? Which is the alternative solution? Therefore, today my co-host—Prince Faisal—and I, we propose that all those who want to advance in the Two-State Solution to join hands in a global alliance to help to implement it.”
Here is a G7 Leaders’ Statement on recent developments in the Middle East: “We will continue working to set the conditions for a durable peace, leading to a two States solution, where Israel and Palestine coexist side-by-side in peace, with security for both.” The G7 consists of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States.
Further evidence for my contention (see Pegs below):
“Israel-Palestine: Europeans united to defend the idea of a two-state solution
The 27 EU member states … are unanimous on how to resolve the conflict. … European foreign ministers unanimously reiterated their vision for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: There can be no other solution than a two-state solution, with the building alongside Israel of a Palestinian state.”
But why should this Palestinian state be located in the Middle East?
But why should this Palestinian state be located in the Middle East? Israel has offered just that on numerous occasions, over the years. As well, for all intents and purposes, the Gaza was indeed a Palestinian state and located cheek by jowl with Israel. This dates from 2005, when Israel compelled all of its citizens located there to vacate their premises. Certainly, there was a Palestinian state in Gaza from 2007 and on, when Hamas conquered the Palestinian Authority, in a civil war.
How did that work out? Not too well. The Hamas government had a wealth of cement, iron, and other building materials at its disposal, plus vast amounts of money with which to construct whatever it wished. Did it build hotels along its beautiful coast? No. How about desalinization plants? Again, we must answer in the negative. Perhaps factories? Not at all. Maybe tourist facilities? If you think so, you must be dreaming. We all know exactly what they built and what they did with these facilities.
Yes, there should indeed be a Palestinian state. All of Europe, it would appear, vigorously supports such an eventuality. It is long past time that these Europeans put, well, not their money where their mouths are. It is long past time that these Europeans stepped up to the plate. It is long past time that these Europeans welcomed that Palestinian state in their quarters.
Where in Europe should it [Palestine] be located? Any of the countries whose leaders called for a two-state solution would do just fine.
Where in Europe should it be located? Any of the countries whose leaders called for a two-state solution would do just fine. And they have all done just that, without any exception. My own favorite, by a long shot, would be dab smack in the middle of the northwestern part of the Netherlands—that is, Amsterdam.
Why there? That is the venue of the latest anti-Semitic pogrom. Let us see how the Dutch like trading some world class entrepreneurs, musicians, scientists, scholars, doctors, lawyers, bankers, mathematicians, that is, Jews, for those who will comprise the new Palestinian state of Amsterdamistan.
Israel is sick and tired of a neighboring Palestinian state to the west of it. It is now Europe’s turn. No more NIMBY for Europe. Let’s have a little less hypocrisy, shall we? Let the Francistanians have this new Palestinian state, and good luck to them.
Israel is sick and tired of a neighboring Palestinian state to the west of it. It is now Europe’s turn. No more NIMBY for Europe. Let’s have a little less hypocrisy, shall we?
Why might this cradle of civilization continent resist such a modest proposal to locate a mere two million Gazans? Could it be because of the fear that soon the virus of compulsory chadors would take over? Could it because the Palestinians have a history of biting the hand that feeds them? Could it be because they are barbarians? Well, Europe richly deserves them.
As much as the Europeans richly deserve a Palestinian state in their midst, there is at least one other good option. Where might you ask? Haiti.
That country is now a mess. It has been earmarked with assassinations of political leaders, rapes, gangs, murders of innocent civilians, etc. If ever there were a country characterized as “anarchistic” by enemies of this type of political philosophy, it is Haiti. What has so far been done to alleviate the situation there? Thousands of soldiers from Kenya have been sent to that country in order to keep the peace—well, to try to resuscitate it. Other Caribbean countries such as Bahamas, Guyana, Barbados, and Antigua and Barbuda, as well as Bangladesh, Benin, and Chad have promised more aid. But so far at least, there has been no discernable improvement in the lives of the average Haitians.
Perhaps a few million Palestinians are just what the doctor ordered for this unruly country. We all know just how “peaceful” these Palestinians are. Moreover, there are precious few Jews, if any, living in this island nation, so the natural antipathy of the Palestinians for this demographic will be abated. No Haitian has ever been accused by any Palestinian of any untoward behavior. Desperate circumstances call for radical remedies. There is no country more desperate than Haiti for a radical change. Who knows? Such a move may benefit both communities. Certainly the IDF will no longer be attacking any Palestinian Haitians, as long as they do not attack Israel, which, admittedly, would be rather hard to do from Haiti.
I am sure that the discerning reader will realize I wrote the above with at least half of my tongue in my cheek. I was focusing, only, on getting the Palestinians out of the hair of the Israelis: moving them far, far, away. To Europe! To Haiti! To a place in which it would be extremely difficult to perpetrate any more atrocities upon the Israelis. I am sure that all those, such as I, who are avid, passionate, and devoted supporters of the Jewish State can appreciate that aspect of this missive. On the other hand, I certainly do not want to promote the Palestinian cause in any manner, shape, or form. They are a bunch of savage thugs who richly deserve to be taken down a peg or two or three or rather much more, not to be rewarded by having a state conferred upon them. (As a philosophical anarchist, I do not look upon that as a positive, as a remuneration)
G7 Leaders’ Statement on recent developments in the Middle East
The 27 EU member states are still unable to agree on a unified call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, but they are unanimous on how to resolve the conflict. … European foreign ministers unanimously reiterated their vision for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: There can be no other solution than a two-state solution, with the building alongside Israel of a Palestinian state.”