Biden’s Farewell Speech

By Donna F. Paris

January 16, 2025



Last night in Biden’s farewell speech, on display was naked hatred of independent producers such as Trump and Musk who earned their wealth providing products and services that improve people’s lives. Although he didn’t name them openly, it was clear he was referring to them with his warning about “the dangerous concentration of power in the hands of a few, ultrawealthy people.” Instead of the praise they deserve, once again they were condemned as an existential threat to democracy and to the rights and freedom of all Americans.

…naked hatred of independent producers…lie after lie about his presidency

The truth is that the real existential threat to the rights and freedom of Americans is the triumvirate of Biden, Obama, and Clinton, who have captained the ship of fools known as the Democratic Party for the past 16 years and gained their wealth not through production but through political corruption.

The rest of Biden’s speech was riddled with lie after lie about almost everything that occurred during his presidency. For those of you who might not have suffered through the 17 minutes he took to spew his hateful vitriol, it is linked here. Judge for yourselves.



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