Claims of Electoral Fraud? Debunked! Discredited! But Not the Navarro Report

By Walter Donway

January 16, 2021



On December 17, 2020, Dr. Peter Navarro released a 36-page report, “The Immaculate Deception,” and called a press conference. He drew an audience of reporters. He is the Assistant to the President, Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, and the national Defense Production Act policy coordinator. Yes, he is in the Trump administration. And we know, now, that as a result of writing this report on the 2020 election, he knowingly has destroyed any future he might have had in academe, government or corporate consulting, or journalism.

Summarizing the 36-page report has been done for us—in Navarro’s comments at the press conference. This is how he began:

“… the number of votes that are being contested, the arguably illegal votes, dwarf the relatively thin Biden victory margins in five of the six states.”

“The big takeaways for me is there appears to be a coordinated strategy effectively to stuff the ballot box with Biden votes, and at least some evidence of the destruction of Trump ballots. That’s number one. Number two, when you go across the six battleground states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, you can see that the number of votes that are being contested, the arguably illegal votes, dwarf the relatively thin Biden victory margins in five of the six states. So, that’s number two.

“And this is something I think that’s been missing from the discussion. This is death by a thousand cuts, but more precisely deaths by the six dimensions of election—a smoking gun. … each of the six battleground states is different in its own way in terms of this election’s irregularities. Georgia has consent decree issues. Wisconsin has definitely confined voter issues. Michigan has the observer issues and so on.

“There seems to be a tremendous effort on the part of our pillar institutions to self-censor anybody who challenges the results of the election, and it effectively mounts to a coverup.”

“There seems to be a tremendous effort on the part of many of what should be our pillar institutions in this country to basically self-censor anybody who challenges the results of the election, and it effectively mounts to a coverup.  … We’ve got issues with the anti-Trump media, which has hammered him for four years and predicted a landslide win for Biden that never came. We’ve got corporate America. We got surprisingly some of the Republican establishment, and then finally we have state legislatures and the courts themselves.”

I have seen not one attempt to refute the Navarro Report’s dissection of six aspects of election fraud spread across six battleground states. A couple of publications like the Washington Post and Forbes did address the report, dismissing it as “debunked.” The entire mainstream media story in dozens of publications was that Dr. Navarro had broken the law by violating the Hatch Act. It was a godsend for the mainstream media.

“The Office of Special Counsel reported that Navarro violated the Hatch Act, which restricts government employees from engaging in partisan political activities, by using his official authority for campaign purposes.”

In releasing the report, Navarro had said he produced this report on his own time and was releasing the report in his capacity as a U.S. citizen and entirely at his own expense.” The only aspect of the Navarro Report that the New York Times, Washington Post, and dozens of other publications conveyed to their readers is that Dr. Navarro had violated the Hatch Act.

Well, from the perspective of the left and the mainstream media Peter Navarro had been nothing but a troublemaker. And the more so because he could not be dismissed as a “non–college-educated Trump supporter.” After college at Tufts University, he spent three years in the U.S. Peace Corps in Thailand, then earned an MPA at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government and a PhD in economics at Harvard. Even as a Harvard doctoral degree candidate, Navarro published “The Policy Game: How Special Interests and Ideologues are Stealing America.”

Dr. Navarro’s career suggests a long struggle against his thoroughly orthodox education. He had identified as an environmentalist. Run for public office as a Democrat and a Republican. He endorsed Hillary Clinton while she was still First Lady. He backed the Clinton-Gore ticket. He declared support for Ronald Reagan but attacked Reagan’s defense spending and his budget deficits. In 2018, he settled on identification as a Republican. He became a Trump economic advisor in the 2016 campaign in part for recognition of his book, “Death by China.”

This makes Navarro easy to attack. But it suggests to me an intellect driven by real world changes. Starting in 1985, he taught in the University of California system at UC San Diego and UC Irvine as a professor of economics and public policy for more than two decades.

This man has risked—or perhaps sacrificed—his future by choosing on his own to bear witness to the 2020 election.

This man has risked—or perhaps sacrificed—his future by choosing on his own to bear witness to the 2020 election. He has risked prosecution (under the Hatch Act).  He described the motivation for his report. Imagine how welcome this is to the Biden camp and their campaign staff in the newsrooms of the mainstream media:

“You can’t, as a reporter, at this point responsibly say there’s no evidence. There’s a ton of evidence. There’s a mound of it. And you can’t say that just because the courts have ruled against Trump … there’s no evidence of fraud. Most of these cases have been decided on procedure and process rather than the evidence itself.”

Well, as reporters they can say there is no evidence. Literally thousands of news stories and commentaries have now routinely—like an appended legally required disclaimer—repeated that any challenge to the election results is “baseless,” “with no evidence,” and “repeatedly debunked.” It is very much as though these are mandated disclaimers. And they are mandated: by the Democratic left establishment of print, broadcast, internet media; corporate social media platforms; and now intimidated banks and corporations.

This is what is challenged by the Navarro Report. Probably it only could happen in America. One man, educated and programmed by an elite postmodernist university, drawn this way and that by what he observed, attacking Democrat and Republican, left and right, risks his reputation to challenge the all-time-politically-correct commandment: Biden-Harris won! Never, ever permit anyone to question that! Trump is defeated! Why did Dr. Navarro do it?

“I think I started at midnight on election night when the Trump red tide … seemed to be insurmountable leads in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Georgia was over 350,000 votes, Pennsylvania over half a million, Michigan almost 300,000 and Wisconsin over 100,000. And what you saw beginning kind of in the dead of night, these votes counts that started to come in that over time turned the Trump red tide into Biden blue. And what’s striking about what happened is the narrowness, the razor thin margins by which Biden appears to have won those four battle ground states.

“Even though the president was behind in both Arizona and Nevada by small margins, there was great confidence within the Trump campaign itself based on internal polling, that the president would close both of those gaps, at least Arizona. And it looked like at midnight that this was going to be a landslide victory in the electoral college, contrary to everything we had been subjected to for months before the election, in terms of the pollsters. So what happened? That’s the question in the wake of this astonishing reversal of Trump fortune. …

“For me, what’s been missing in this whole debate is kind of a chess board look out of a 30,000-foot view of what exactly was going on across the entire terrain. … Anecdotes and individual things without kind of connecting all of the dots. So I wanted to get to the bottom of all this. I think it’s important for the future of this country that we do this, and we do this before Inauguration Day.”

Another godsend for the Biden camp: The demonstration of supporters of President Trump in Washington, DC, on January 6, sees demonstrators (perhaps one percent of those marching) break off to launch a criminal attack on the Capitol building, where Congress was in session—a disastrous embarrassment for President Trump. This is seized upon by the mainstream press and Democrats as proving the President’s “treason” in calling for “insurrection.”

This makes it almost certain that the Navarro Report and any other references to challenges to the legitimacy of the election—references now banned by Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, all major newspapers, and all major networks—will be cyber-strangled at birth. The insistent premise is that there is no evidence, none, no way, no how.

Peter Navarro explains: “Here’s what I did. I started with the available evidence and that evidence consists essentially of thousands of affidavits and declarations, which I had access to. Many of those are not in the public record. I also looked at the testimony that had been presented in a variety of state venues. There’s published reports and analysis by think tanks and legal centers. There’s videos, for example, of the famous suitcase in the Atlanta arena. Photos, public comments, press publishing, and the like.”

And then, with the patience of a teacher who has won many awards, Dr. Navarro explains at the press conference:

“I was able to tease out what I see as six major dimensions of these election irregularities. And these include, if you start with the outright fraud, okay? In the report, there’s close to 10 categories of these things. So for example, the worst kind of offense is this large-scale fake ballot manufacturing. And we have the story of the tractor trailer that got missed in Pennsylvania that may have had 100,000 votes in it. We saw what happened in the State Farm Arena in Georgia. There’s allegations as well in Arizona. We have indefinitely confined voter abuses where people who claim that they’re indefinitely confined are skiing in Aspen and voting without appropriate I.D. Bribery, like what happened in Nevada on the Indian reservations. Ineligible voters, legal aliens, for example, or under-aged voters. There’s maybe tens of thousands of those. The dead voters. There seems to be a persistent problem of dead voters popping up across a number of the battleground states. Ghost voters are those that voted from an address they no longer reside in and so on.”

Dr. Navarro’s final appeal is for reporters to exercise independent judgment. Keep in mind that at this moment in time any reporter, anchor, or commentator who deviated by one phrase from “the line” would be destroyed, vilified. You know, I submit, that this is true.

Dr. Navarro appeals to them: “It’s 31 pages with almost 150 footnotes. And I would ask everybody to kind of just go through it carefully and make up your minds based on that and in some further investigation. As reporters, I think the ask here is that you don’t dismiss this out of hand, and you also use this as a motivation to do some further investigation.”

Even in late December, when the report was released, there was no possibility that reporters for the media would report the substance of the Navarro Report. Instead, the story in every major media outlet was that Dr. Navarro violated the Hatch Act.  How?  Essentially by “repeating already debunked …”

And so the Navarro Report, which could have been an explosive story on the 2020 election, became a kind of notation that a Trump administration official had broken the law. It is well worthwhile reading the entire Navarro Report and the full transcript of the press conference, where Dr. Navarro was challenged by the media. When it got to the specifics, Navarro explained the statistical methods and economic principles undergirding the report:

“In advance of this election. … Democrats were going to implement this coordinated strategy which I discussed. Because you saw that consent decree going to place. I’m not sure people understood the full implication of what destroying the signature verification would be, but that should have and could have been challenged. Digression … I mean, in the report, please look at my calculations carefully, because that consent decree, we went from a 6% rejection rate down to virtually nothing, and a massive increase in absentee ballots. And the delta on that is more than sufficient for a Biden win with ballots which would likely have been otherwise thrown out. So we saw the consent decree coming. We saw the machinations that were going on in Wisconsin, in Pennsylvania.”

All the details and references are available to those who would evaluate the evidence and accept or reject it. It is clear, now, that the Navarro Report—on perhaps the crisis of democracy in our time—was dismissed on “procedural” grounds. The Pentagon Papers were outright stolen and the “Times”—in the teeth of government lawsuits—reported every word.

As Dr. Navarro says in his report, more than once, if the challenge to the election can be suppressed and ignored until the inauguration of Biden and Harris, then the election will be confirmed, done. As was the 1960 election of John F. Kennedy. “But let’s remember that the election was stolen from Nixon in 1960, stolen, flat out. It took decades for anybody to fully acknowledge that, and it had a great effect on our history, including probably a great impact on how the Vietnam War might’ve unfolded. So these elections have consequences.”

It is safe to suggest that the enemies of Donald Trump, and the partisans of Biden-Harris, simply do not care. Probably those who have supported the policies and positions of Donald Trump all know well someone who makes statements such as (I quote) “Enough, I just wish he [Trump] would die.”

With the “Heaven-sent” attack on the Capitol to destroy the Trump legacy, and excuse four years of attacking our country’s president, there is little chance that the Navarro Report will be known to the American public. Just a side story on some guy who violated the Hatch Act.

If you seek an explanation of President Trump’s refusal to acknowledge the Biden electoral victory, here it is.

If you seek an explanation of President Trump’s refusal to acknowledge the Biden electoral victory, here it is. Once the President accedes to the legitimacy of the election outcome, all challenges such as the Navarro Report, become old news. Why should President Trump acknowledge Biden as president while the Navarro Report remains outstanding—and never rebutted?

Dr. Navarro identifies the deadline—when a stolen American election becomes history—as the January 20 inauguration of Biden and Harris. That is the finish line. Probably the attack on the Capitol building, and the golden opportunity to turn attention to the second impeachment of Trump, end the race. Including the need ever to answer the Dr. Navarro’s report.

Unfortunately, we are almost there.

On January 5, Peter Navarro released a second report: The Art of the Steal

Already, mainstream media is preventing access to the report. Here is a link: Navarro Report | Electoral Fraud | Postal Voting ( If you wish to become a truth teller, download it, share it, and, above all, save it in multiple places. The 1960 steal was only acknowledged two decades later. I hope we do not have to wait till 2040 for this reveal.

Note: On January 5, Peter Navarro released a second report: The Art of the Steal




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