The Unquiet Grave Part II : Edmund Burke’s Challenge for Objectivism

By Walter Donway

January 7, 2020



Part I of The Unquiet Grave can be accessed here: The Unquiet Grave: Ayn Rand Declared Conservatism Dead in 1960

Ayn Rand wrote-off the philosophy of conservatism as worse than useless.

Ayn Rand wrote-off the philosophy of conservatism as worse than useless. In doing so, she focused on contemporary conservatism’s refusal to defend capitalism in moral terms. It was a refusal, she charged, to face the contradiction between capitalism and Christian morality (altruism). But she did not address the classic conservative argument relevant to Objectivism: Edmund Burke’s critique of “rationalistic, ideological utopias” as prescriptions for the “new man,” the new social order, and the ideal government. Utopias implemented in the 20th Century were unimaginable human disasters driven forward by those who believed in their logic and truth against all historical experience, all accumulated human wisdom, and all emerging evidence of catastrophe. It was an astounding confirmation of the conservative critique of the utopian vision. Did this have implications for the “Utopia of Greed”? Ayn Rand never seemed to ask.

Many political terms, including “conservative,” came into use during and after the French Revolution. Conservative (1818) described the Bourbon Restoration, which went well beyond the “reaction” (another new term) that sought to rein-in the Revolution’s murderous excesses.

Naturally, there were conservatives before the word was used. The Tory tradition in England, beginning with Richard Hooker, predates 1600. But conservatism may have had its “finest hour” in the French Revolution. Edmund Burke, the famous member of the British House of Commons, born in Dublin, Ireland, became identified with thundering opposition to the French Revolution. Almost definitive of his brand of conservatism, he was at the same time a champion of the American Revolution (although not independence). A close associate of his was the philosopher, David Hume.

In statements of Burke and Hume emerged a powerful premise of conservatism: opposition to political “rationalism” and utopianism.

In statements of Burke and Hume emerged a powerful premise of conservatism: opposition to political “rationalism” and utopianism. Their fundamental orientation often is obscured by conservatism’s spectrum of specific policies and causes at different points in history. An example just mentioned is Burke’s contrasting positions on the French and American Revolutions. Because of this, his views are characterized as a “mixture of liberal and conservative.” But how defining of “conservative” is Burke’s opposition to the fanatical bloodshed of the guillotine? Burke’s positions were support for the “liberal” ideal of private property and Adam Smith’s free-market economics. He also said that business should operate within the principles of social tradition. He wished to limit the power of the Crown and favored an established church, but with toleration for other religions.

So varied are those contexts that “conservatism” at times appears to have no fixed meaning at all.

These positions exemplify the logic of conservatism; the time and place in history inevitably influence what exists to be conserved. So varied are those contexts that “conservatism” at times appears to have no fixed meaning at all.

What endures across these contexts is a philosophy of social and political change foundational to the politics of Burke and Hume. It is the conviction that the justification of any social order must be sought in tradition: the wisdom of mankind earned and refined through experience (often purchased at horrific cost in blood and suffering). The experience of a community that has achieved a hard-won social harmony is more valuable a guide to human flourishing in society than any rationalistic, utopian philosophy for transforming mankind according to a vision of “the new man.”

As Objectivists, we are accustomed to the bluntest statements of philosophical principles: for example, a terse declaration in absolute terms of our “rights.”

As Objectivists, we are accustomed to the bluntest statements of philosophical principles: for example, a terse declaration in absolute terms of our “rights.” Burke therefore may be frustrating. He abhorred “metaphysical distinctions” and avoided any declaration outside of the context of all that impinged upon it. For a statement of his political philosophy, the best I can do is quote from his famous “Reflections on the Revolution in France,” a pamphlet published after a year of revision and expansion in November 1790 (and an immediate bestseller in English and French).


The Ancient Constitution of Government

In his pamphlet, Burke was replying to a statement (a sermon) asserting that the principles of the Glorious Revolution of 1688 included “the right to choose our own governors, to cashier them for misconduct, and to frame a government for ourselves.” Burke’s opposition to the idea of resting the case for political liberty on a philosophical (abstract) concept of “rights” inherent in human nature (that is, metaphysical) is evident, here:

The Revolution was made to preserve our ancient indisputable laws and liberties, and that antient constitution of government which is our only security for law and liberty. … The very idea of the fabrication of a new government, is enough to fill us with disgust and horror. We wished at the period of the Revolution, and do now wish, to derive all we possess as an inheritance from our forefathers. Upon that body and stock of inheritance we have taken care not to … [graft any alien element]. … Our oldest reform … is that of Magna Carta. You will see that Sir Edward Coke, that great oracle of our law, and indeed all the great men who follow him, to Blackstone, are industrious to prove the pedigree of our liberties. They endeavor to prove that the ancient charter … was nothing more than a re-affirmance of the still more ancient standing law of the kingdom. […] In the famous law […] called the Petition of Right, the parliament says to the king, “Your subjects have inherited this freedom,” claiming their franchises not on abstract principles “as the rights of men,” but as the rights of Englishmen, and as a patrimony derived from their forefathers.

We see here at least three pillars of conservative doctrine:

1) Rejection of the abstract statement of philosophical principles or of terms such as “rights;”

2) A powerful appeal to the traditions that have shaped and defined life as it is in the present day; and

3) The evocation of a context of political acts, of interpretations provided by historic spokesmen, and of the experience and expectations of earlier generations.

When he made this statement, Burke knew only of the French Revolution as an example of abrupt, sweeping change to overthrow the established order in the name of newly coined “rights,” and usher in violent death, the fatal rupture of lives, and decades of human deprivation, suffering, and stagnation.

Today, we inherit the long experience of the Russian Revolution of 1917, the National Socialist (Nazi) revolution of the 1930s, the Chinese Communist Revolution of the late 1940s, the Cuban Revolution of 1959, the African revolutions of the 1960s and after (e.g., creating Zimbabwe), the Iranian Revolution of 1979 … to name but a few …

These embody a diametrical opposition to the first premise of Burke’s conservatism: the primacy of the stability of the social change—any social order—under which people had built their lives, families, and communities. And that diametrical opposite—revolutionary change—was the foremost catastrophe beyond even war in the 20th century.

Each such revolution had its convinced, visionary, utopian intellectuals and its “committed” political cadres. To them, no price was too high to pay to achieve the metamorphosis of human nature, the social order, and the political system. Out with the loathed status quo and in with the ideal.


Edmund Burke’s Challenge to Rationalistic Utopia

Were these catastrophes inherent in change driven by a rationalistic, utopian vision? Or did the catastrophe lay in the evil of the proposed utopian vision?

More than half-a-century has passed since Objectivist philosophy came on the scene, but few conservatives have embraced it. Aside from so-called “libertarian conservatives” (whom Ayn Rand anathematized), the conservative majority have not been tempted by her inspired vision of a 100 percent laissez-faire political system set in a resolutely secular order mandated by “reason as an absolute,” embracing no tradition for tradition’s sake.

Does conservative rejection of Objectivism—in some instances, a consciously articulated rejection of Objectivism’s “extremism” (insistence that principles be held with total consistency)—proceed from conservative abhorrence of rationalistic utopianism (Ayn Rand fashioned Galt’s Gulch as “the Utopia of Greed”)?

Of course, Ayn Rand, and anyone embracing her philosophy, condemns unreservedly the revolutions of the 20th century: their ideals (collectivism and statism), their methods (violent overthrow), and their record (murderous dictatorship, disastrous socialistic economies, eclipse of human rights).

In contrast, Objectivism advocates a strictly limited government delegated to protect citizens from crime and foreign invasion; complete freedom of choice and action of every individual consistent with recognizing the same rights of others; and a resulting laissez-faire market economy unregulated except for recourse to civil suits for varieties of fraud.

To Objectivists, no less that this is required for consistent recognition of individual rights in a radically (at root) free society: banning the initiation of physical force—including emphatically by governments—from all human relationships. All human activity, organization, and functions revert to the private and voluntary.


Thinking in Principles

The entire Objectivist utopian ideal in politics rests on a single premise: Man’s fundamental means of survival is reason. More exactly, his use of reason. Reasoning is an attribute of the individual. Therefore, if man’s life is our standard, each must be left free to act upon his reason, his judgment. There are implications: for example, the individual has a right to the property he creates by acting. Consistency, however, requires each of us to have the same rights, so my freedom of action cannot include forcing your reason. The only way for me to do that is by using physical force. If you are not stopped by force, you are able to act on your judgment, whatever the incentives involved. (Yes, you are free if you are starving.)

But that reason is fundamental to man’s survival means only that his other important means of survival would not exist without reason. And, man does have other means of survival, some arguably more important (but no more fundamental) than reason. Other crucial means of human survival are language, gaining knowledge, development habits and attitudes, and, above all, living in society. All these are related but not hierarchical, except for the base, which is reason. We can’t say that after that comes language, then society … or the opposite, either.

We can say that society really makes possible language, knowledge, division of labor, survival of many dangerous and temporary disasters (e.g., serious wounds).

What if at a certain stage, a society would not have survived without collecting taxes for government?

What if a stable, flourishing society, including knowledge, language, and all its other benefits requires some initiation of force? What if at a certain stage, a society would not have survived without collecting taxes for government? (At another stage, a society might find a way around that.) What if a certain society at a certain stage would not survive without limiting speech criticizing another religion? What if a society would not survive, at a given point, without conscription? What if society’s survival requires the principle: Initiation of force against individuals is justified only if society’s survival is at stake, the force must be the minimal amount required, it must be under objective guidance, and must stop when no longer needed?

One might object: That so-called “principle” is way too complex to be implemented and sustained.  But has the apparently simpler principle of no initiation of force against any individual ever been implemented and sustained?

Not every principle has the same epistemological standing as “Water is composed of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms.” Or water seeks its own level within a certain range of temperature and pressure and assuming the law of gravity.”

For example, Ayn Rand brilliantly enunciated “The Anatomy of Compromise,” arguing that in any competition, the most consistent principle that is consistently asserted will defeat its rivals. That is not a principle like the chemical composition of water. It is based upon understanding how reason grasps and uses principles, the power of consistency for the reasoning mind—and observation of how arguments have tended to play out in history.

If principle No.1—that reason is man’s fundamental means of survival and operates only when free from initiation of force—is implemented incompletely in a society, and the exceptions are justified by reference to principle No.2—that a stable, flourishing society is also indispensable to man’s survival—will principle No.1 inevitably be doomed to defeat?

How would you make that argument for “rationalistic consistency” to the Burkean conservative who maintained, instead, that the accumulated experience of the society, and others before it, strongly commended the “compromise of principle” described above?


Imagining the “Obvious” New Utopia of Objectivism

And yet, for Objectivists, the single principle of reason’s fundamentality, and the single logical consequence (no initiation of force against any individual), are enough to support utter certainty about the nature of political utopia. They resolve centuries of debate over the ideal political society and social order. They lead to a vision of government new under the sun, never before achieved on earth: Eliminate any government involvement in any economy such as regulation, money, banking, trade, natural resources, ports and harbors, airports and airlines; eliminate government involvement in any welfare state activity at any level; get government in any form or role out of education at any level; no government involvement in infrastructure such as roads and bridges and highways. To Objectivists, this simply represents logical consistency beginning with the irrefutable principle of reason’s fundamentality to survival.

It is a social order and government almost unimaginable. Try to imagine continuing the functions of police, courts, and military, but subtract from the picture any other government activity of any kind, at any level. It is not easy to do so: Government today—local, county, state, federal—is so pervasive we scarcely notice most of its activities.

My goal here is not to detail an Objectivist utopia, only to make real the view of the future that Objectivists regard as a long-overdue ideal. And yet, it is a vision, an imagined new society that most Americans would strain to begin to imagine in any detail. I doubt that any of us can.

Do conservatives see in this edifice of reason, logic, and philosophical system-building the classic threat perceived by Burke? That is, radical overturning of a social order in which people have rooted their lives, families, communities, traditions, and plans and expectations?

Can anyone foresee the consequences of such change? Objectivists have long debated the details of “how things would work” in “complete freedom.” But is it possible, even roughly, to project the impact on hundreds of millions of individual lives?

Consider as a metaphor the market order versus the centrally commanded economy. No centrally generated methodology known to us can take the place of the “spontaneous market order” created by billions of individual choices, trades, prices, agreements, entrepreneurial investments and projects, organizations, and other individual plans and consumer preferences.

In what direction does this metaphor “cut” for the Burkean versus the Objectivist view of social change? Is the complete utopian system Ayn Rand designed like the centrally directed economy with millions of lives transformed allegedly for the best by the new system most never conceived?

A right-minded government, however, would dismantle itself across the board, in every sphere of activity, on every level.

Or is the Objectivist utopia like the spontaneous market order because it envisions imposing no decision, no action, no regulation … no coerced change on anyone? Objectivists see argument, persuasion, and education as the avenues to this radically changed society. “People” would be forced to do nothing. A right-minded government, however, would dismantle itself across the board, in every sphere of activity, on every level—as though a vast military camp of millions of soldiers folded its tents, packed its equipment and supplies, and decamped from Washington, state capitals, town halls—departed as individuals never to reassemble.

Is this radical prescription supported by tradition, the accumulated and refined experience and wisdom of mankind about conserving a stable, workable social order? Is it “conservative” in the sense that Edmund Burke saw the American Revolution as conservative (because it was justified in the long British tradition of reclaiming the “rights of Englishmen” against a usurping, increasingly despotic British crown)?

But wouldn’t implementing the Objectivist utopia be “radical” or “conservative” depending upon the projected timeline? To me, it is astonishing that Ayn Rand, to my knowledge, never hinted at such a timeline. An associate of hers told me she had worked out the order in which the gargantuan government should be dismantled. I would have expected such realism. But this is not a counter to the Burkean objection to the utopian blueprint. Objectivism would be asserting that there is a reasoned plan for radical change of a social and political order to be implemented (for example) over the next 50 years. A permanently valid utopian prescription for human society merely awaits implementation. In a century, a half century, a quarter century? The sooner the better.

Objectivists could argue, with much logic and evidence, that their utopia is in the American tradition of constitutionally limited government, individualism and individual rights, capitalism and the market order, and reliance on private initiative and private arrangements to accomplish great ends. Those principles, which made America the freest, most economically productive, longest-standing stable democracy, now must be implemented consistently. All are under attack by their opposite: anti-Enlightenment ideals of collectivism, socialism, and statism that devastated Europe in the 20th century.

There is not much writing by conservatives criticizing the Objectivist utopian vision in the light of Burkean premises. And, as I have said, conservatives have been very far from flocking to the Objectivist standard, despite a considerable overlap in policy positions. But, then, Ayn Rand wrote them their obituary in 1960. Did she expect the reanimated legions of demised conservatives to find their way to Objectivism?

Conservatives, including libertarian conservatives, may see no incentive for a dialogue with the politically inconsequential tiny minority of Objectivists. Also, Objectivists would applaud a society without churches, are fiery advocates of the right to abortion, and tend to scorn such slogans as “family values”: that ends the discussion, for many conservatives, before it begins.

I, for one, would like to see Objectivists test their “rationalistic utopian” ideology by trying to market it to conservatives. This essay—call it a “meditation”—is my opening gambit.



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Jerry Biggers
Jerry Biggers
4 years ago

Well, unfortunately, conservatives wrote their first “obituary”(followed by a litany or later, hopeful, obituaries) well before Ayn Rand’s article, “Conservatism: An Obituary” in 1960. It started with an extremely negative “book review,” by Whittaker Chambers, of Atlas Shrugged shortly after its publication in late 1957. William F. Buckley, Jr. commissioned Chambers and approved its contents prior to its publication in his magazine, “National Review.”

Designed to “take-out” Atlas Shrugged, Chambers described the novel as totalitarian in its absolutism dogmatic, and of wishing that opponents of its message to face a grisly fate: “In almost any page of Atlas Shrugged, you can hear it crying-out – out of painful necessity, ‘To a gas chamber, Go!’ ” Needless to say, calling Ayn Rand a crypto-Nazi was designed to inflict maximal damage upon any chance of Rand’s philosophy ever being accepted by conservatives. National republished the article in several special editions, commemorating its 25th and 50th anniversaries.

As for Buckley, himself, he has given several conflicting accounts of whether he ever read the novel. At any rate, being a traditionalist Catholic, he found nothing of value in her phiiosophical positions, in particular, her atheism. In an edited book of essays (“What Is Conservatism? 1962) by various conservatives attempting to clearly state what they meant by “conservatism,” Buckley, in his contribution, described how his magazine “read-out” several groups and individuals as not being worthy to be called, conservative, among them being Ayn Rand, using the Chambers article as his bludgeon. (In subsequent editions of that book, [the last being renamed “Did You Ever See A Dream Walking? Conservatism in the 20th Century,” to attract a wider audience.] Buckley’s estimate of Rand grew increasingly hostile, from simply bemused condescension to later just pronouncing her influence among conservatives as “down, period.” In his obituary of Rand, published in 1982, “Ayn Rand is dead. And so, incidentally, is her philosophy, Objectivism.” Not being content with that, he incorporated the Chambers article, as well as the Rand-Branden affair, into his self-congratulatory ‘novel,’ “Right From The Start.”

Now one might assume that, with Buckley’s death, National Review might have a more measured estimate of Rand. However, with the increase in public interest with Atlas Shrugged, after the financial crash of 2008-2009, National Review has published several articles reiterating their opposition to Rand and Objectivism.

The reason for this hostility between Objectivists and conservatives is not hard to understand. Aside from some apparent but superficial similarities in their positions on economic policy. Rand’s epistemology, metaphysics, and ethics are anathema to most conservatives. The conservatives views on tradition, religion, and altruistic Christian ethics are anathema to most Objectivists.

Several other conservative writers and periodicals have occasionally joined with National Review in attacking Objectivism, among them being The American Spectator, Intercollegiate Review, and Modern Age.

W.R. Donway
W.R. Donway
4 years ago
Reply to  Jerry Biggers

This is an excellent comment, Jerry Biggers, and we at “Savvy Street” are in your debt for posting it. We encourage what is so rare today: genuinely intellectual dialogue and you have contributed to that.

Whittaker Chambers, as I understand it, represented the faction at “National Review” that was outright reactionary, responding to the appeal (as Chambers so well knew)–and the horror–of Marxist ideology. For Chambers and, it seems, Buckley, too, the monstrosity of communism was the monstrosity of ideology. Ayn Rand would be the last one to deny that Objectivism is an ideology–the essence of ideology with a complete structure of ideas integrated from fundamentals to applications and insisting that each idea (principle) be applied with unexceptional consistency by all honest man.

Another and opposing faction at “National Review,” as I understand it, was represented by Frank Meyer and others and the famous “Sharon Statement,” which I quote at length in Part I of the article. In fact, Buckley fancied himself creating a big tent for conservatives of his time. As you say, however, he took pains to read Ayn Rand out of that coalition. I am sure she welcomed that; she wanted nothing to do with the “conservative” defense of capitalism.

I have an unsubstantiated guess Buckley did read “Atlas” and understood immediately that Chambers was perfect scourge for what he perceived, correctly, as the ultimate rationalistic utopian ideology. He let Chambers loose on the “Utopia of Greed.” Chamber was a relative intellectual midget and a man of one revelation: it was the ideology of Marxism that enchanted generations of the young with an appeal to logic, consistency, and system. And it was ideology that drove Lenin and later monsters-in-waiting to ignore every reality, every fact, every normal human wisdom and experience in the name of “the truth.”

Probably Chambers, a Red turncoat, knew little about conservatism. I am sure that with his conversion from Marxism (he seems to have seen his baby daughter’s ear and fallen for the argument from design, but that may be apocryphal) he began to dip into conservative thoughts. Overwhelmingly, when he reviewed “Atlas, he was a reactionary.

Conservative thought that became prominent with Edmund Burke (also reacting, in this case to the French “terror”) opposed ideology and the “terrors of ideological warfare,” with more sophistication, I think. Burke observed (he thought) that the deeply ingrained rights and liberties of Englishmen did not rest on ideology, but on the claims and counterclaims of real men in real factions over centuries. Rights, liberties, common law, claims of parliament, and much more had given Englishmen the domestic tranquillity, peace, liberty, rights, and protections that they enjoyed. Did this rest on an ideology spun from the logic and vision of one individual into a reasoned utopia of the new man, the new society?

Well, if it were my chore to respond to this, I would try out this reply: Of course. Not one individual, but a movement called the Enlightenment.” Your fellow Englishman, John Locke, but many others across Europe as well. There are the ideological roots of your present day utopia. The Enlightenment could be said to have ended in 1700 (Locke died in 1704). It then had the following century to given rise to three revolutions: industrial, political (French and American revolutions), and Romantic.

But Burke would reply, I imagine, that the rights of Englishmen had deep roots preceding Locke and the Enlightenment, which, in England, may have supported rights, liberty, and capitalism precisely BECAUSE of the English experience and tradition. Certainly, the Enlightenment, a European-wide movement, had very different outcomes in France, Germany, and Russia–though it had its manifestation in each.

Well then, I would say, the very best of Ayn Rand’s “ideology,” her “utopia,” is its incorporation of the best of Western Civilization: the Greek flowering of reason and science, the realistic conceptual epistemology of Thomism, the individualist tradition of Protestantism, the European enlightenment, humanism, the Age of Reason, the American Constitution, the Austrian economists, and the American experience itself. A philosophy new under the sun? A utopia conceived in a subjective rationalistic pipe dream?

No, Objectivism is a landmark, historic synthesis and appreciation of the best produced by Western Civilization, ruthlessly paring away what is contradictory to the mainline of thinking (the altruism of Comte, the German counter-Enlightenment).

Our blessing as young men and women in the 1950s and after was to encounter this synthesis dramatized in gloriously heroic, morally inspiring, Romantic terms, at a time when education and much of socialization had begun to deny, attack, and seek to replace the Western intellectual heritage.

Ayn Rand, then, was a great sentinel on the Western march against enemies and invaders.

Thomas M. Miovas, Jr.
4 years ago

I don’t think you fully grasp what having a philosophical movement is all about nor why it takes so long. Yes, Conservatism is intellectually dead, as you related in your last essay (Part I), but that does not mean that rationality nor ideals are dead; and Ayn Rand had plenty of those, and taught a great many people in the world and through Dr. Peikoff and his lectures after her death, to be more rational and factually oriented. Yes, I can understand the hesitancy for some people, like Conservatives, to be reactionaries to modern sudden changes in geopolitics and philosophy of politics and idealism of mass slaughter of collectivism, but Communism as a new and beckoning ideal has also died, so now we have the Green New Deal, which wants to protect the planet from man. And the only answer that the Conservatives have to Green and Carbon Taxes is that it is expensive, not that it is immoral if man’s life is the standard. And that is the crux, it is the Left that is now coming across as advanced intellectually, at least they speak the words and walk the walk of a collectivist man-hater, but the right has no answer to them in terms of a counter ideal. I would recommend to your reader to read Atlas Shrugged (by Ayn Rand) and then The Ominous Parallels (by Leonard Peikoff) to see why the Left is winning all the intellectual battles and then read The DIM Hypothesis (by Leonard Peikoff as well) if their goal is to come to understand how we got here and how to get out of it, but it is not by being a multi-factioned Conservatives as you seek to put the issue.

W.R. Donway
W.R. Donway
4 years ago

Very relevant and germane points, Thomas Miovas. Thanks. I consider this, as I suggested in the article, an important dialogue.

One small point: I did not say, or did not mean to say, that conservatism is intellectually dead. Ayn Rand most certainly said that more than once and made some powerful points. Or rather, one exceedingly powerful point: If conservatives, as Christians like William F. Buckley, Jr., would not face up to the irreconcilable conflict between the altruist morality of Christianity, Kant, and Auguste Comte, on the one hand, and the egoistic morality of capitalism on the other, their defense of capitalism would continue to fail.

Can conservatism in the tradition of Burke defend Western civilization–reason, science, individualism, and capitalism? Or, as you seem to suggest, if I understand you, is that a historic role that only Objectivism can fulfill?

Because I think we can agree that Objectivism did not defeat the Nazi ideology or win the long drawn-out ideological and shooting conflict with communism during the Cold War. What defeated those virulent forms of collectivist totalitarianism were the ideals of the West, and especially America and England, from the Enlightenment, the Protestant revolution, Anglo-Saxon law of rights and liberties, the American experience with constitutionalism, and the economic strength of capitalism. None of those arose from Objectivism.

Another thing that defeated Nazism and communism was human experience with it. That is why Ayn Rand said that during WWII collectivism as an ideal had been completely discredited and died. It was added to the accumulated wisdom of mankind that collectivism/socialist ideologies are catastrophic for freedom, rights, and productivity. This attack was far from only in practical, economic terms; literally hundreds of famous attacks from the point of view of the Western tradition–from Orwell’s 1984 to Solzhenitsyn to Arthur Koestler’s “Darkness at Noon” to the Pope (shot for his trouble)–were powerful and moving critiques of socialism as inhuman, anti-man, anti-reason, and (not to be ignored) ridiculous.

Nor do I think that today we lack an effective opposition to the “greens” without Objectivism. True, some politicians only point to price tags and taxes. But there is a robust, diverse opposition that attacks green ideology as anti-science, economic-nonsense, a threat to our future, anti-humanist (Freeman Dyson), anti-man (a former Greenpeace founder), laughable…

My favorite nonfiction book of Ayn Rand, if I HAVE to choose, is “The New Left: The Anti-Industrial Revolution) (the title when I read it first in book form). I believe we would defeat the greens with resources drawn from the diverse opposition, today. But I personally would hate to have to reply to the environmentalists without reference to Ayn Rand’s insights: ecology just another attack by the left on capitalism, environmentalism’s metaphysical view of man as the “freak of the universe,” the idea that man’s means of survival is the “unnatural” one among species, and so, so much more.

That CERTAINLY ought to be incorporated into the enduring body of Western wisdom. As should her most original and powerful insight: that altruism is at the very root of the attacks that have weakened and destroyed capitalism and enables its critics to this day to ignore its glorious, life-giving success in innovation, production, consumer satisfaction, and consistency with other rights and freedom–and simply cry “selfish.”

Still, the key argument that without economic rights no other rights are possible did not begin with Ayn Rand. Nor in fact did the glorification of the entrepreneur, the inventor, the great producer. But Ayn Rand formulated, stated, and dramatized in fiction much of that in a way that brought it to a whole generation: me…you…

By the way, I had the privileged of attending the first live lectures in NYC when Leonard Peikoff first presented the ideas of “Ominous Parallels.” Of course, Ayn Rand attended every lecture and answered questions later.

I believe that Ayn Rand’s greatest achievement was to understand most of the essential, outstanding idea of Western Civilization from the Greece and Rome to Thomas Aquinas to the Enlightenment to the Age of Science to the Age of Reason to the U.S. Constitutional period to the American experience to the Austrian School of economics. (I think she might well have recognized the pivotal place of Protestant Reformation in the entire process.) And to integrate it all, eliminating contradictions, and then present it in the form of an incomparably skillful Romantic novel, knowing exactly what that meant for inspiring and teaching morality, values, and heroes–and to do so at precisely the time when America and Western Civilization were intellectually at bay, confused, lacking a consistent positive moral ideology after defeat of socialism…

She became, as I said in another note, the era’s great sentinel guarding the philosophical western march. And taught us how to do it.

Thomas M. Miovas, Jr.
4 years ago
Reply to  W.R. Donway

No, I would not say only Objectivists can win the day, but rationality, from whoever has a good idea in concert with the facts and logic, then that is what we need. But, as I see it, the world, once it rejected Aristotle as a primary philosopher and turned back to Plato, and Kant, and others like them, then we are suffering from the continuous downfall of Western Civilization. I think modern art is a good indicator of that, with some people willing to shell out millions of dollars for empty canvases or blocks of stone not made into a recognizable figure, but in some aspects, romanticism is coming back because once you hit rock bottom where are you going to go from there. The full nihilism of the modern way has not reached its finality yet, since there are still things to destroy, but if that happens then the Conservatives, including Trump, cannot save us because they just don’t have the consistency with existence and the full integration of ideas that they would need to combat the destruction. Thanks for your reply.

Steve Chipman
Steve Chipman
4 years ago

An interesting article. I once attended a conference of classical liberals here in Canada (Civitas) and was struck but their reverence for “tradition”. It did not seem that they based their views on the premise that a particular tradition was reasonable, consistent with man’s nature or with a philosophy based on individual rights, outlawing the use of force or fraud, etc but on “tradition” as such. I was puzzled because, with such a view, would they have been at a very different place on the political spectrum if the conference had been in Moscow in 1950 or in Rome in 1560? Surely, the content of tradition depends on what came before and a determination of how long the time period we should consider as “traditional”. Must admit I have not read Burke but, from this article, I’d have several questions for him. What counts as a “stable, flourishing society’? Would feudalism meet this standard if the serfs knew and accepted their subservience? Is a society flourishing if some individuals are but others not? What if most are flourishing relative to abysmal conditions of the previous period eg the Middle Ages vs the Dark Ages? Would we have wanted to preserve the “traditions” of the improved Middle Ages and oppose the revolutionary and uncertain Enlightenment? Rand certainly proposed a revolutionary ideology but would have argued it was not “rationalistic” in the sense of being inconsistent with the real world. Her defence of laissez-faire was based on what she thought was the nature of man ie reality. The initiation of force by some men against others does not work because it violates the conditions under which mankind can live successfully. I too have some difficulty imagining how our society could function without many of the institutions of the 21st century state eg public education, health, control of the money supply, etc. But is not having a clear and detailed idea of the alternative under laissez-faire simply another example of Bastiat’s “that which is not seen”? We are so familiar with the way things are that we find it very difficult to imagine how they could be radically different. Could any human being in 1950 have accepted the possibility of a “Smart Phone”? I could accept Burke’s respect for “the wisdom of mankind earned and refined through experience” but only if it can be justified on grounds other than that most at the time thought it “wise” and “refined”. We are often very certain we are and have been right when we have not.

W.R. Donway
W.R. Donway
4 years ago
Reply to  Steve Chipman

You make a whole lot of excellent points, Steve. I am wondering if we ever met at one of the Objectivist summer seminars? Your name seems familiar. I was David Kelley’s second trustee in starting the precursor of the Atlas Society. My brother, Roger, a lifelong Objectivist and editor of “Navigator” for the Objectivist Center, has turned quite conservative and even religious and questions I raise are among those he has urged on me. To take just one of your points, one commonly urged against conservatism,Burke’s concept of a society informed by the best of the accumulated wisdom of mankind is not the same saying: Whatever is, and recently has been, is right. Burke as I understand it was urging an intellectually active, aggressive investigation of history for conclusions to guide society. Not a passive acceptance of whatever is, is, but seeking the best. Because in any society, at any given time, there will be huge compromises among views. The whole history of the United States from its founding until now, including the 20th Century when America defeated fascism and communism and spread the market economy to other nations, occurred without guidance of Obectivism. In fact, the progress was made and the victories achieved by constant reference to history, the best experience, the observation of results. Those who defeated the ideas of fascism and communism made many appeals to many ideas and principles better than collectivism; they also made an appeal to observing experience: the catastrophic outcomes of every variant on socialism anywhere in the world. The effort to preserve the best known–Enlightenment ideas, the Age of Reason, the U.S. Constitution, the achievements of the U.S. economy–defeated socialism worldwide. A progress has been made that is not consistent, or steady, or universal, but is real–and it is based upon the best evidence from experience. Just working out things, to some extent, as I am writing this, Steve. Great to hear from you.

Thomas M. Miovas, Jr.
4 years ago
Reply to  W.R. Donway

I’m curious as to your response to a question that should be considered given what you wrote above, and that is this: If America wiped out socialism and communism mostly world wide (and I agree with that) then why is it making a comeback in the United States which has become a welfare state due to accepting some sort of ideology, and wondering if you can identify what that ideology is?

Steve Chipman
Steve Chipman
4 years ago
Reply to  W.R. Donway

Thank you. No, I have never attended any Objectivist conferences. I am a 69 year old retiree in Canada who read Rand and Objectivism in my early years, put it somewhat on the “back burner” during my 40 year career in financial services and in helping raise four children. Now, with more time, I have renewedmore active reading/thinking in philosophy/history. Agree fully that much wisdom (eg the Enlightenment, many western traditions) predated Rand and Objectivism. As I understand it, Rand felt she was building on Aristotle and taking many of the Enlightenment thoughts and values to their logical conclusions especially in ethics. I am always looking for what makes sense regarding the “big questions” and Objectivism is what I think gives the best answers.

4 years ago

I really appreciate you going to the effort of writing an article like this, it’s the most important issue. But without thinking in fundamentals and correctly integrating concepts it’s an impossible question to properly address. As such it leaves your article sounding like: “Ayn Rand says 1+1=2, but what about the conservative position that it doesn’t!?”

To give you a concrete example, let’s just look at your first paragraph:
Ayn Rand did not advocate a “rationalistic, ideological utopia.” Nor was that the issue with anything in the 20th century. The issue with the 20th century horror shows was irrationalism and collectivism. The very thing people like Burke were advocating for…
The rest is a similar collection of Ayn Rand making correct statements that you’re responding to with misintegrations or outright errors.

Keith O'Neil
Keith O'Neil
4 years ago

Conservatives have betrayed capitalism for statism, individual freedom for.dem and goguery, and reason for emotional appeal and populism. This is not superiority, this is surrendering. This article is nothing more than the rationalization of a man who sold out, trying to justify it to the world, and to himself.
