The Rights and Obligations of Children

By Robin Craig

March 19, 2015



Children’s Rights

The question of children’s rights is a question of the minimum parents owe their children.

The question of children’s rights is a question of the minimum parents owe their children. Naturally, most parents love their children and voluntarily offer their children much more than that, but here we are concerned with what they must offer.

A right is the freedom to think and to act upon the results of your thinking: which means, freedom from the initiation of physical force.

That definition is in the context of adults. Such rights derive from the nature of human beings, namely their rationality. We are thinking beings whose means of survival is that thinking, is reason: and force is the antithesis of the reasoning mind, demanding by its nature actions against those called for by your reason. That is, physical force is anti-mind, and that which is anti-mind is anti-life.

But children are not fully rational. They start as infants with no capacity for rational thought, and develop rationality as they mature. Thus they do not have human rights in the sense that adults do. They are not capable of independent survival, and even at an age when they might manage to eke out physical survival, to attempt it would be at the price of the time they need for education – education required to reach their potential as adults. A child cannot say, “I demand adult rights,” because that is saying “I demand the right to an independent existence”—and what a child actually requires by its nature is to be looked after.

This gives us the clue to what their rights are.

Children are the result of the decisions of adults, and adults must bear the consequences of their choices.

The rights of children stem from two facts of reality. First is their basic nature: they are partially rational beings who, in order to survive and develop into adults, require physical support and mental training. Second is the part played by their parents: children are the result of the decisions of adults, and adults must bear the consequences of their choices. Even if the child was an ‘accident,’ it was a predictable consequence of its parents’ voluntary actions, in which it had no say.

Thus, children are a result of voluntary adult actions, and a result with a known nature: an independently conscious being requiring years of care and investment of time and resources.

Consequently, children have a right to have their needs met by their parents to the best of their ability; if their parents cannot meet those needs adequately, their obligation to the child is to try to find someone else willing and able to meet them. Note that although a child has such rights from its parents, other people cannot be forced to take up the slack if the parents fail: the special dependency of children does not give them greater rights than adults. Needs neither grant nor negate rights: whether those needs or rights are children’s or adults’.

Rights & Responsibilities

The nature of children and the set of basic rights this gives them, leads to the question of the more detailed rights of children and parents.

Contractual Obligations

There are no conflicts between the rights of adults: for there can be no conflict between different people’s right to be let alone – which is the essence of the fundamental human right to be free from the initiation of physical force.

The issue is not so clear-cut when it comes to the rights of children, as the last thing children need is to be let alone. Their peculiar position is that they are dependent beings with rights to their dependency.

However, in fact this is not essentially different from many other long-term relationships. Adult interactions are often not so fast and loose that people can come and go as they please: they operate under contracts, which define mutual benefits, obligations, and termination conditions. Contracts are what protect the rights of the parties to arrangements requiring long-term commitments.

The difference is that whereas in adult contracts all parties agree in advance, children plainly don’t ask to be born. For the reasons named earlier – children have known needs, so adults know what they are getting themselves into by having them – this creates an implicit contract between parents and their children: that the former will provide appropriate care. Note that contrary to modern non-objective philosophy of law, which defines rights by needs (thus switching rights from justice to demands, effectively negating rights entirely), this contract between parents and children is the only valid implicit contract there is. It stems from the fact that the party to a long-term relationship who requires the support of the other, metaphysically (i.e., by their fundamental nature) could have no say in the whole thing: while the ones providing the support knew what they were doing, and therefore implicitly agreed in advance to the consequences.

The origin of this implicit contract determines its terms. Morally, people should not have children unless they have cause to believe they will be able to care for them: just as no other contract should be entered into unless you believe you can meet your side of the bargain. The obligation they accept is to provide such care, and this obligation ends at the child’s adulthood. That end is implied by why the contract exists at all: it ends when the child should become capable of independent existence.

Of course as noted earlier, parents usually want to continue providing love and support to their children past their childhood: but then we are dealing with voluntary choices based on values, not ethical and legal responsibilities.

At what age is a person ‘adult’? The precise definition is a question for the philosophy of law, because it concerns a legal question: the time limit on the implicit contract between parents and children. The principle involved is at what age the ‘average’ person should be able to be self-supporting—while recognizing the variability in human mental and physical development. The legal definition of adulthood means: when does the implicit contract between parents and children expire? Which means: when should a child be allowed to leave or lose parental care without special permission of the courts? Historically and biologically, around the age of 16 is probably a good average for the beginning of adulthood; in a technical society where the amount of knowledge to be learned is high, perhaps older—or perhaps not. There are complexities in this whose solution is beyond our present scope, which is about the basic principles. The answers are to be found in applying these principles to the facts of human nature. Note that the question is not, “When will the child gain no further benefit from staying?” but, “When should the child be mature enough to be able to go its own way if it has to or wants to?”

Children’s Obligations

What do children, as involuntary entrants to the arrangement, owe their parents?

Since they did not ask to be born and it is the parents who decided to have them, whether consciously or by default, children certainly do not owe their parents the cost of rearing them. There can be no such thing as an unchosen obligation imposed as a result of somebody else’s actions. Parents are not entitled to ask their children to repay their ‘investment’, either monetarily or by demanding that ‘in return’ they be supported in their old age. Children are not a form of social security, whose life you own because you gave it to them. Gave it to them is precisely what you did: children do not tell their parents before they were born, “please bear me and raise me, then I will repay you.” It is the parents who made all the choices, and one person’s choice does not impose an obligation on another.

Naturally, children usually love their parents and will voluntarily help them out—but there can be no legal requirement for that. Indeed, if the parents are bad and mistreat their children, those children have a perfect moral right to have nothing to do with them once they leave home.

What children do owe their parents, morally, is respect and obedience to their wishes while under their care: anyone supported by another person owes that much consideration in return. Of course, parents must earn that respect and obedience: keeping someone alive does not entitle you to respect if you make that life a misery, nor to obedience if your wishes are irrational or unjust. However, given reasonable circumstances, when you live in someone’s home and are supported by their effort and love, you owe it to them to respect their wishes (to the extent that it is rational to do so), or leave. That a child cannot actually leave makes that obligation stronger, not weaker: to abuse someone while using your need of them as a shield is despicable. And once a child is capable of leading an independent life, the obligation ‘to honor or leave’ becomes literally true.

Furthermore, obedience to your parents’ rational wishes is inherent in the implicit contract: the reason the contract exists is the need children have for care and support. So accepting that care and support, including recognizing its parents’ right to make decisions on its behalf, is the child’s half of the deal. To refuse to accept it is to say, “I have no need of your protection any more”: which is to say, “I release you from your contract.”

Parental Rights & Responsibilities

The foregoing defines the role of parents, which defines their rights and responsibilities. The role of parents is to raise a person from helpless infant to independent adult. Thus, their fundamental responsibility is to do that to the best of their ability. The default presumption is that the best of their ability is good enough (after all, they managed to reach adulthood themselves), and thus they have the right to do it according to their own judgment.

Many parents seem to suppress their children’s behavior for no good reason, such as when a young child is exploring a fascinating place like a bank and is made to sit still—when they aren’t actually bothering anybody. Or the apparent opposite, of giving in to the child’s every whim, or allowing them to ‘run wild’ without guidance or limit.

These superficially opposite policies of repression and over-permissiveness actually share the same essential error. Both are manifestations of ‘whim worship’: where the whims are the parent’s or the child’s respectively. The proper course, as usual, is not some compromise between opposing whims: it is nobody’s whims, but rationality. And rationality in this context is the application of a general principle – the independent mind is man’s tool of survival—to the specific case: childhood involves a process of maturation from mindless helplessness to rational independence. From this follows the correct principle of child rearing.

While a child must be protected from its ignorance and weakness, and guided in its mental and moral development, the child must be given the freedom to experience reality first-hand, and the tools to think about those experiences.

The nature of what parents are doing is raising another person to adulthood, which means, to independence of thought and action. It follows that while a child must be protected from its ignorance and weakness, and guided in its mental and moral development, the child must be given the freedom to experience reality first-hand, and the tools to think about those experiences. Similarly, while a child’s needs must be met and its rational desires taken into account, to attempt to grant its every whim would be counter-productive. Everyone needs to learn that neither the universe nor the lives of other people revolve around your personal wishes—and that your wishes are neither granted on demand, nor fall into your lap if your tantrum is loud enough—but must be achieved by rational action.

Parental rights and responsibilities form a continuum, inversely correlated to human development: from total control of an unthinking, dependent infant, to no control of a reasoning (at least in principle), independent adult.

Thus, parental rights and responsibilities form a continuum, inversely correlated to human development: from total control of an unthinking, dependent infant, to no control of a reasoning (at least in principle), independent adult. Of course, many emotional conflicts can arise in such a process of diminishing control and care, due to parents and children having different ideas of what and how much is appropriate. By the origin of the implicit parent/child contract, in adult competence vs. children’s dependence, the smoothness of this relationship is primarily the parents’ responsibility: especially by ensuring that what they ask of their children is rational, thereby earning their children’s respect for their fairness, judgment, and rationality. Of course, there can be no guarantees in such a process: by the fact of free will, even the best parent cannot guarantee the responses of another thinking who has his or her own values, thoughts, and philosophy. They can help or hinder the development of their child—but not determine it. It is the child’s own judgments and choices that ultimately determine his or her character.

© 2001, 2015 Robin Craig: original version first published in TableAus.


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9 years ago

Robin, that’s a darned thorough and clear explanation of the subject for a fairly short magazine article! What a pleasure to read!

It’s wonderfully said, and I agree with every word.

Except for one – the word “it” as a pronoun for a child. I’m assuming you’re avoiding the he/she problem, but I so yearn for the days when a writer could say “he” as a generic pronoun for a nonspecific human being of either sex, and it would be understood as such, instead of as a preference for males. To my mind, “it” is for inanimate objects and animals, but not intelligent little people. I wasn’t *offended* by it, but it did bug me every time the word came up.

Nevermind. It doesn’t damage my pleasure in this truly valuable article.

Jennifer Roback Morse Phd
Jennifer Roback Morse Phd
9 years ago

Robin, how many children do you have? Just wondering.

Robin Craig
Robin Craig
9 years ago

Interesting question, Jennifer. When I wrote the first version of the series on children (it hasn’t materially changed) I didn’t have any of my own, though with my keen observational powers I was aware of the children of my friends and acquaintances – and of course I spent my formative years as one 🙂

Since then I have shared in the raising of two teenage step-children and my own daughter. Who of course is a delight.

David Elmore
David Elmore
9 years ago

Though this column by Robin makes some good points (“implicit contracts” and no entitlement for recompense), the column goes awry from the outset. Rights are not a question of “minimums” or “maximums”; they are a given for humans. And there are no “adult rights” or “children rights”. There are only “rights” for human beings. One’s inability to use one’s rationality temporarily does not diminish one’s full rights, as I make clear in a blog post I wrote a year and a half ago about an adult woman in a coma and going into caretaker status: She still maintains full rights. Just like with adults who are temporarily mentally incapacitated, infants and small children need a caretaker to intervene to protect them from themselves and to care for them (diapers, messes, not hurting others, not running in front of cars, etc.). These are not moments of coercion because they are responses to the child’s initiation of self-destruction or self-harm or harm aimed at others. There is no initiation of force against the children — ever. Ayn Rand noted that humans do not have to prove rationality in order to have rights. They have rights by their very nature as humans — and this applies to children as well. As to the question of when children leave home, they leave home whenever they please, just as adults leave whenever they please. The only rational parental “jobs” are ensuring the child remains safe, and ensuring that the child’s right to self-determination is honored as the child moves from infancy to early and late childhood. There is no obligation to guide the child’s “mental and moral development”, as Robin says, but rational adults can act as examples of rational behavior for children to model, and constant conversations with children (from the age of 2) about the world around them helps them stay finely tuned to the world, as well as honesty, integrity, judgment, productivity and independence. One last thought: there is no “obedience” in ANY relationships, as Robin states. If a child does not agree to be rational in a situation, parents have at their disposal numerous “weapons” to ensure that the child gets their point about rational conduct. Those weapons include the leverage of monetary decisions (not buying what the child wants), removal of help in situations (not cooking what they like or helping with tasks), removal of self (letting them know that until rational conduct returns, you’re not interested in interaction and empathy), etc. These extreme “leverages” are seldomly necessary in a caring/rational relationship with children, but they quickly get the point across that a relationship is a two-way street — and they are the same leverages we use in our adult relationships, mutandis mutatis.

Robin Craig
Robin Craig
9 years ago
Reply to  David Elmore

Some of your points, such as what types of discipline are proper, are discussed elsewhere in my series on children, and we are in agreement in practice if not in emphasis. Similarly, we are saying much the same thing on most of your other points, for example we seem equivalent on the rights of parents to simply make children do what is needed for their life, whether you want to call it “force” or not. I do disagree that children have the right to “leave home whenever they please” – indeed, that, like your statement “there is no ‘obedience’ in ANY relationships” contradicts your own principles (“need a caretaker to intervene to protect them from themselves”). It is merely another way of expressing the same thing: in either case, toddlers do not have the right to jump in front of cars (such a right would imply the police have the right to stop parents stopping their toddlers jumping in front of cars…), because they are not fully thinking beings. You merely choose to say that is not initiating force against them. Well, same thing really. I also disagree with your statement that parents have no (moral) obligation to guide their children’s mental and moral development: that, along with other critical life skills such as thinking, are precisely the role parents have.

David Elmore
David Elmore
9 years ago
Reply to  Robin Craig

Thanks for your rebuttal, Robin. There is no contradiction on the “obedience” issue. Forcing children to not harm themselves does not mean they are obeying; in fact, they are not, or there wouldn’t be any force. My emphasis of not initiating force is essential to the understanding of and acknowledgement of rights. Without that understanding, parents think they can force children to school or not watch certain videos or clean their room or not cuss, etc. Parents have a personal obligation to be moral, if they choose to be happy, and they have an obligation to be an example of morality to kids, if the parents seek moral children, but there is no obligation to “guide” the children’s mental and moral development.
