Donald Trump versus the Global Deep State

By Vinay Kolhatkar

August 9, 2024



“Either the Deep State destroys America, or we destroy the Deep State.”

—Donald Trump, March 24, 2023, at the first rally of his 2024 campaign.


Here’s an admission. I don’t like Donald Trump’s incessant braggadocio, the rudeness toward his own allies (“Small hands” Marco [Rubio], “Birdbrain” Nikki [Haley]), and the sheer absurdity of his claims about his intelligence, especially given his inarticulateness and inability to complete sentences. His personality is deplorable.

I am now requesting my American friends to not only vote for Trump, but actively campaign for him.

Yet I am now requesting my American friends to not only vote for Trump, but actively campaign for him. Why? Because a victory for the alternative (the Global Deep State) is unbearable—it will further diminish true capitalism, rule of law, real science, and the Age-of-Reason foundations of civilization.

Trump is not the only enemy of the Global Deep State, but if he wins the presidency again, he alone will have enough power and enough time (four years) to dismantle it, while also awakening the masses, and thereby setting a blueprint for the future.


A Theory of the “Global Deep State”

In the 2016 campaign, Trump began to use the phrase “drain the swamp.” Perhaps the term when applied to Washington D.C. originally was inaccurate as an actual way to combat mosquitoes, but both sides of politics have used it metaphorically a lot since the 19th century.

Trump may have been channeling Ronald Reagan. In 1980, Reagan issued a clarion call to “drain the swamp” of bureaucracy in Washington and created the Grace Commission, which identified $424 billion of wasteful government spending that could be cut. Trump used the phrase 79 times in the three weeks before Election Day 2016, then continued its frequent use during his presidency. But times have changed dramatically. Back in the 1980s, “the swamp” meant merely a bloated bureaucracy.

It has a philosophic cover, the ubiquitous dominance of which makes the swamp (with its ulterior motives) practically invisible to the average citizen.

Trump severely underestimated the enemy. By 2016, we were no longer in the Reagan era. In 2024, it’s even worse. “The swamp” has spread globally. It has a philosophic cover, the ubiquitous dominance of which makes the swamp (with its ulterior motives) practically invisible to the average citizen.

In 2024, Trump has come back a lot wiser. It is now exactly like he said: “Either the Deep State destroys America, or we destroy the Deep State.”

It was well recognized even in the 1980s that the wider Administrative State—by definition, the aggregate of all bureaucracies, including but not limited to the intelligence agencies and the Department of Justice (DOJ) —was prone to ensuring both its survival and its expansion. Elected officials are often new to the job. Sometimes, they have little knowledge of the nuances of regulations and laws that govern the portfolio they must oversee. They are “guided” by an army of bureaucrats, who may not share their political views. This oddity was depicted with sarcastic aplomb in the BBC series, Yes, Minister (1980–84) and Yes, Prime Minister (1986–87).

The elected officials are “encouraged” to expand their portfolio and, thus, the Administrative State. What’s not to like, here? It is more power, prestige, fame, and fortune for the politicians and for their bureaucratic and corporate cronies, all at the expense of the citizenry.

The domestic “Deep State” has one old definition, which is the sum total of the intelligence agencies. In the US that is: the CIA, the FBI, the DHS, and the NSA. But the “Global” Deep State goes much deeper than that. And much wider.

Here’s how I like to define it to capture its most crucial characteristic:

The Global Deep State is the wider Administrative State plus all the academia, think tanks, media, corporations, NGOs, and supranational organizations that outwardly and unanimously support a single philosophy as a cloak to entrench their elite status and extend their reach and power.

The supranational organizations include the UN and its intrusive arms like the WHO, the IPCC, and the WEF.

Not included in this definition are those academics, academic institutions, think tanks, corporations, media, and supranational organizations that do not need a cloak (because they just do their job honestly) or that explicitly use a natural-rights-guiding philosophy. They are a rare breed, now in the extreme minority everywhere on the planet.

Included in this definition are those that have been railroaded into becoming agents of the Global Deep State.

But included in this definition are those that have been railroaded into becoming agents of the Global Deep State. Vanguard, BlackRock, and State Street Fidelity, for instance, together have around $23 trillion of funds under management. They own sizeable stakes in virtually every major corporation you can think of, because passive low-cost indexed funds dwarf everything else. A 2019 Harvard study said one of these three was the largest shareholder in 88% of the S&P 500 companies list. Comrade Bernie Sanders railed against it in January 2024. But so did Vivek Ramaswamy from across the aisle, for a very different reason. Reportedly, they cannot get government pension funds under management unless they dictate ESG (environmental, social, and governance) policies to the CEOs of the corporations of whose boards they sit on.

Preaching ESG breaches the funds’ fiduciary duty because ESG lowers returns. There are allegations that funds used to indulge in “greenwashing”—charging more fees for just using the holy word “sustainable.” (Greenwashing is typically used to describe companies when they only pretend to worship Gaia.) Extra fees for a pretend service? That’s a serious breach of fiduciary duty. Now they bend over for an easy grab at the pension fund monies to actually implement wokeism in corporations. As the size of government grows, the public pension fund mountains rise like unignorable Mt. Everests. As we said in 2020, “Stakeholder Capitalism” is a Trojan Horse for Fascism, the corporate device itself is pro-free contracting, thus pro-liberty, but it has been made to kneel to Gaia.

Is Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg a convert to wokeism, or did the Woke Mafia make him, in The Godfather’s immortal phrase, “an offer he can’t refuse?” It doesn’t matter. He is either in, or he is out. By 2018, threatened by EU “hate speech” laws, or perhaps drawn in by a more lucrative offer, the Zuck relented to a neo-Marxist NGO setting the algorithms for Facebook’s “fact-checking” and setting their “community standards.” In February 2019, the Global Deep State thanked Facebook, Google, and Twitter for their “cooperation.” Big Tech took the knee. Google now elevates establishment narratives in their search engine.

Big Tech took the knee. Google now elevates establishment narratives in their search engine.

What is the philosophy that appears to have infected the UN, the WEF, the IPCC, virtually all mainstream media, and academe? Neo-Marxism, the foundations of which lie in Critical Theory. By attacking language and reason, Postmodernism broadens the attack on Capitalism and self-responsibility. In the people’s broadsheets, some reporters call it Cultural Marxism. Out on the streets, it is, quite simply, Wokeism. You have heard their loud “for and against” rhetoric: for DEI, ESG, LGBTIQ+, affirmative action, the rule of democracy, EVs, renewable energy, and gender fluidity, and against racism, sexism, hate speech, domestic violence, conversion therapy, fossil fuels, and toxic masculinity. At first glance, it may seem like the highly virtuous goals of a socially awakened (“woke”) giant, rather than a gigantic woke network, interconnected by philosophy.

So, did the Neo-Marxists’ Long March Through the Institutions (from the 1930s onward) succeed? Yes, they did conquer much of academe (especially, the humanities) and the media. Yet, the Global Deep State leaders are not wearing rags and living on the street. At best, academe, some public intellectuals, and the mainstream media merely provide the “useful idiots” to the global elite. At worst, they sign up as cronies and get to share in the undeserved spoils. They detect “the game.” Spout the narrative and rise to the top. Yuval Noah Harari, a historian who brainlessly asserts that corporations are just fictional ideas, as though concepts have no linkage to reality, is now a WEF-endorsed celebrity intellectual.

And the elite? Al Gore is reportedly worth around $330 million. Part of that fortune came from “green” investments that rose in value after he peddled the global warming lie. Those who achieve high public office get super-rich after they leave it. They get ghostwriters to write books, publishers give them millions as advances, then the fawning mainstream media gives them rave reviews and markets those books. Then they waltz in to charge hundreds of thousands for speeches. (Obama reportedly charged $400,000 for his first post-presidency speech; that amount is the annual salary for a president.) Then there are lucrative “private equity” firms that pay millions for connections (or insider “early” news on incoming or outgoing regulations), and K Street firms that pay millions for lobbying gigs. Consulting firms pay millions, too, for insider knowledge, and major corporations welcome them onto boards. Never mind if they have no actual in-depth knowledge of any business. In a crony economy, connections and insider knowledge matter the most. A lifetime of fame and wealth awaits.

The top 20 billionaires added another $700 billion to their wealth in 2023.

Never mind the pandemic, fears of a recession, and the soaring cost of living. The “billionaire class” actually got much richer through it all. The top 20 billionaires added another $700 billion to their wealth in 2023. Forbes reported that, as at the start of 2024, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg was worth $177B, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos $194B, vaccine philanthropist Bill Gates $128B (not counting the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which has spent over $50B since the year 2000). George Soros is now worth “only” $6.7B, since he donated over $32B to his head NGO Open Society Foundations, which stands for, among other virtuous-sounding things … you guessed it: “climate justice.”

In 2023, CNBC reported that:

A nonprofit financed by billionaire George Soros quietly donated $140 million to advocacy organizations and ballot initiatives in 2021, plus another $60 million to like-minded charities.

Soros, who personally donated $170 million during the 2022 midterms to Democratic candidates and campaigns on top of that, spread the additional largess through the Open Society Policy Center.

The Global Deep State elite are “limousine liberals” or “champagne socialists.” The professed “bleeding heart” philosophy is a perfect cover for their behind-the-scenes operations to entrench their crony empire in granite. When WEF CEO Klaus Schwab says, “No one will own anything, but everyone will be happy,” he means: “the middle class will be wiped out.” You can no longer afford a car, but he will continue to own a mansion or two, a yacht or two, and will travel by a private jet. Just try to imagine Klaus Schwab taking public transport, because he no longer owns a car, and he can’t let himself be driven around in a chauffeur-driven limo owned by the WEF. Just try it. Or imagine Al Gore reducing his mammoth carbon footprint to below that of the average Nigerian. There’s no practice-what-you-preach, “live in the slums” Mother Teresa at the helm of the WEF, NASA, the CDC, or the WHO.

True capitalism would obliterate the Global Deep State, root and branch.

Why doesn’t the Global Deep State adopt a natural-rights, pro-freedom philosophy that could really lift billions out of poverty and enable the prospect of a rich, flourishing life for everyone?

Because true capitalism and cronyism are like oil and water. They do not mix. True capitalism would obliterate the Global Deep State, root and branch.


The Evidence of a Global Deep State

The evidence that there is a Global Deep State is overwhelming. It’s not like the elite are all connected or controlled by an unknown commander. It’s simply that the elite everywhere love their undeserved power. And most of them have realized that Cultural Marxism is a virtuous-sounding philosophy to promote.

And the more this Cultural Marxism spreads and takes root, the easier it becomes to get entrenchment benefits by signing up to it, and the harder it becomes to oppose it. Now, that is the key to understanding its continuous expansion.

For now, let’s just take three striking illustrations of its existence:

  1. From a scientific and epistemological perspective, the climate alarm is manifestly fraudulent. The onus is always on the proponent of a theory to show evidence for it. Climate alarmists have abysmally failed to provide even a workable theory. The UN IPCC models cannot fit historic data, let alone make decent predictions. Yet, virtually everyone attached to the Global Deep State—the UN, the WEF, NASA, most universities (especially the Ivy League), academics securing research grants from the hugely dominant government research agencies, all major governments, major corporations, mainstream media—all sing Kumbaya in perfect synchronicity as though the climate emergency is like the law of gravity.

How can that be, with so rubbery a science?

  1. During the pandemic, the mainstream media persistently ignored cheaper alternative cures (including NAC and Methylene Blue which had published results in scientific journals) and prophylactics/cures (Vitamins C&D, Zinc, fresh air, exercise), relentlessly promoted lockdowns and “leaky” mRNA vaccines as the only path to herd immunity, resisted the lab-leak origins of the virus, and later, ignored the post-pandemic excess deaths and the rising pool of serious mRNA-vax adverse events in young adults. Physicians against the establishment were threatened with a loss of their medical licenses for daring to speak their minds. The media also ignored the possibility that mass vaccination centers may have been producing adverse effects due to their own gross negligence.
  2. On July 13, 2024, the US came within an inch of violent civil riots (if not a civil war) in which many police personnel and citizens could have lost their lives. The lapses in security were just too incredible to have been caused by genuine oversight alone. Nine days later, Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle refused, in essence, to answer any questions asked in the public Congressional hearing. Every answer was composed of words to the effect that “we are still gathering data,” except for one strong “No” in response to whether they were asked to stand down. How could she not have been fully briefed on an incident of this gravitas? Even on questions that were obvious to lay people from day one?

I am not saying that it was an inside job. The Global Deep State could have arguably gained more by whacking off a then reluctant-to-step-down Biden via a white supremacist patsy (unless they wanted the Trump-death chaos, conveniently blamed on the Far Right, to delay the elections). But comprehensive answers as to the current state of the investigation would have helped alleviate doubts. After all, this was neither an act of war nor of terrorism. The “lone wolf,” killed at the event, was clearly not a continuing threat. A full public disclosure was not risking agents in hostile countries. Thus, the doubts remain.


A Weaponized Department of Justice

Kash Patel, who served as senior director for counterterrorism on the National Security Council in the Trump administration, says in Government Gangsters: The Deep State, the Truth, and the Battle for Our Democracy:

  1. “Mark Zuckerberg revealed that the FBI approached Facebook to warn them to be wary of Russian disinformation that would soon drop” (at the time the Biden campaign was “trying to discredit the Hunter Biden accusations [as Russian disinformation]”).
  2. “Despite the fact that we had reams of evidence against dozens of terrorists in the Benghazi attack, Eric Holder’s Justice Department decided to prosecute only one of the attackers” (so that Hillary Clinton’s mismanagement would not come to light, thus facilitating Obama’s reelection and enabling Clinton’s 2016 presidential bid, while acting tough on the one case that was destined to fail).
  3. In 2021, the DOJ “charged former Trump advisor Steven Bannon with criminal contempt of Congress for refusing to go along with the Democrats’ sham January 6th trials. Meanwhile, former Obama CIA director John Brennan lied to Congress about the CIA’s efforts to spy on congressional staffers [and suffered nought].”

“The Russia Gate scandal offers a never before-seen glimpse into how the government gangsters in the FBI operate, using methods of entrapment and extortion that would make the mafia proud.”

A never before-seen glimpse into how the government gangsters in the FBI operate, using methods of entrapment and extortion that would make the mafia proud.

Patel argues, with substantive firsthand evidence, that the DOJ and the FBI have become agents of the Democratic Party.

See also: “A Legal Frankenstein Has Been Unleashed to Get Trump.”
Is there anything we can do to stop this ugly Leviathan?


Agenda 47 and Project 2025

Agenda 47 is the policy platform already adopted by Donald Trump, the 45th president of the US, to be put into effect should he win the presidency again and become the 47th president (hence the name Agenda “47”) in January 2025.

Agenda 47 is not the same as Project 2025, which is a 920-page document put out by a huge alliance spearheaded by the Heritage Foundation—an alliance of conservative groups and former Trump Administration staffers. Project 2025 aims at being a comprehensive roadmap for the Trump Administration from January 2025 onward if they win.

The Democrats and the mainstream media have persistently attacked Project 2025 as being expansionist, undemocratic, autocratic … you name it. The Associated Press called it “apocalyptic;” other critics call it authoritarian.

The Brookings Institution says:

Project 2025 echoes Donald Trump’s critical view of the media. As a result, it proposes to strip public broadcasting of its funding and legal status, thus endangering access to reliable news for American citizens.

The [Un-] Scientific American screamed that it “would sabotage science-based policies that address climate change, the environment, abortion, health care access, technology and education. It would impose religious and conservative ideology on the federal civil service.”
The Australia Institute remarked:

Recommendations include completely abolishing the US Federal Reserve in favour of a system of “free banking”, the total reversal of all the Biden administration’s climate policies, a dramatic increase in fossil fuel extraction and use,” and a “comprehensive cost-benefit analysis of U.S. participation in all international organizations” including the UN and its agencies.

Wow, how wonderful.

CBS News reports:

Project 2025 is a proposed presidential transition project that is composed of four pillars: a policy guide for the next presidential administration; a LinkedIn-style database of personnel who could serve in the next administration; training for that pool of candidates dubbed the “Presidential Administration Academy;” and a playbook of actions to be taken within the first 180 days in office.

The best insight comes from the Australia Institute, which adds:

The program is specifically designed to “deconstruct the Administrative State [emphasis mine]: code for using Schedule F, a Trump-era executive order (since overturned), that would allow an administration to unilaterally re-categorise, fire and replace tens of thousands of independent federal employees with political loyalists.”

Splendid. “You’re fired” would be heard thousands of times in the Beltway.

The media outrage was predictable.

The Guardian added: It’s “chock full of recommendations that would boost corporate profits, undercut labor unions and advance the rightwing culture war [emphasis mine].”

The Wired proclaimed:

It “would weaken the US agency tasked with protecting election integrity, critical infrastructure, and more” and that “Trump is likely to embrace Project 2025’s combative approach to CISA [Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency], whose director he fired for debunking his lies about the 2020 election. That makes the 2024 election an existential moment for CISA,” and that:

“No aspect of CISA’s work has sparked as much GOP ire as its efforts to combat online falsehoods destabilizing American society, and Project 2025’s most substantial recommendation for CISA concerns this work. ‘Of the utmost urgency,’ the plan says, ‘is immediately ending CISA’s counter-mis/disinformation efforts.’”

Delightful, isn’t it?

Agenda 47 is good, but it’s nowhere near enough. Can Project 2025 overcome the Global Deep State? Yes, sir. This is exactly why Biden, Harris, & Co. were instructed to attack and smear Project 2025 even when Trump distanced himself from it. Rolling Stone says linking Trump with Project 2025 is a deliberate campaign tactic, as the project has been relentlessly smeared to become unpopular with voters. Kamala Harris has continued the smear assaults; she also falsely linked J. D. Vance with Project 2025. Why? Because, the Global Deep State can survive four more years of Trump without Project 2025, the same as they did in 2017–2021—with incessant roadblocks.

Perhaps Trump is playing a long game. MSNBC claims that Trump pressured the project’s director, Paul Dans, to resign. Maybe he wants them to underestimate him so that they do not manufacture a win in 2024. Agenda 47 may be enough to win a fair and free election. If he gets the keys to the White House, he can widen his agenda to 920 pages and really go after the Global Deep State.

He will need a lot of help. He needs J. D. Vance and Marco Rubio, Vivek Ramaswamy and Ted Cruz, and the 110 conservative organizations and their brilliant people that helped craft Project 2025.


The Retreat of the Global Deep State

How will we know that the Global Deep State has been defeated? Unfortunately, Deep States are woven into the very fabric of democracy. As long as some human beings yearn for undeserved power, they will look for ways to get it. Even a republic with a strong constitution needs an educated citizenry to be eternally vigilant against such abuses of power.

What will be the overt symptoms of the Global Deep State’s absolute retreat?

  1. Round One: the Trump-Vance ticket wins in 2024.

And then, over the years …

  1. The Paris Accord would be in tatters; several countries, including the US of course, would have ripped it up.
  2. The Big Three (Vanguard, BlackRock, and Fidelity State Street) would no longer be insisting on ESG and DEI policies, which would also disappear from governments and the public sector.
  3. The Russia-Ukraine war would have ended with Russia annexing certain parts of Ukraine.
  4. Sanctions on Iran would commence immediately. Then the Middle East would be a lot quieter after mid 2025 than it has been since October 2023.
  5. The US would once again assert self-sufficiency in oil and gas.
  6. The world economy would register serious growth via the private sector, not a fake GDP growth boosted by government expenditures.
  7. The cancel culture would have retreated into its shell.
  8. Several jurisdictions would repeal their hate speech and MDM laws.

And …

  1. The Daily Wire’s entertainment business (no, there is no anti-woke film studio being launched) would have had several hits at the box office, displaying deft plotting and romantic heroism. One of them would actually win the Best Film Academy Award.

Perhaps that’s asking too much. Hollywood could be the last to surrender.



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