If parasitism, favoritism, corruption, and greed for the unearned did not exist, a mixed economy would bring them into existence.
Ayn Rand, “The Pull Peddlers,” Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal
Deceit-2020 is now a full-fledged pandemic of lies. It is way bigger than COVID-19.
In 2020, many opened up to the reality of the establishment playing us. Even for those who already knew, the breadth and scope of the cytokine storm of the attempt at “manufacturing consent” must have come as a revelation—it did to me. The establishment (which includes most politicians, the bureaucracy, academe, mass media, and their cronies) went into such overdrive to blank out any countering opinions that it became obvious that a “fabricated reality” was being presented to us.
In effect, because all mass media (with very few exceptions) and nation-states joined the global bandwagon of manufactured narratives, it was no longer a local epidemic. Deceit-2020 is now a full-fledged pandemic of lies. It is way bigger than COVID-19.
The fabricated realities are now everywhere: from virology to economics to agriculture. However, since the list is way too long, we will look only at three illustrations.
(1) The Virology Consensus—a dismissal of the efficacy of HCQ and ivermectin … because … everyone must be masked, socially distanced, and vaccinated … and afterward, still be susceptible to being masked and socially distanced at will.
In 2020, governments severed the physician-patient bond. Globally. Without precedent.
In 2020, governments severed the physician-patient bond. Globally. Without precedent. The State’s “experts” were to decide all preventive, testing, and curative measures.
None of us is an expert at everything. But it’s we who select experts for ourselves. We can get it wrong—for ourselves and those for whom we are guardians. But are we clever enough, responsible enough, that we can be entrusted to choose whose counsel we seek? After all, we know ourselves far better than any government would. Clearly, we have our best interest at heart. Which money manager can we entrust our pension management to? Whose legal counsel shall we seek? Which electrician? Which plumber? Most critically, which physician?
Me? I do my research before I see my long-standing physician for anything out of the ordinary. I discuss my symptoms in the context of my medical history and the research. I get the respect I deserve, even if he does not always agree with me. We agree an action plan. I carry it out.
But in 2020, most of us found this bond severed for COVID. The State’s “experts” were to decide all preventive, testing, and curative measures. In most countries, physicians depend on the State’s imprimatur; they can hardly afford to be deregistered. If you had COVID-like symptoms, you had to run into the State’s arms, away from your trusted, chosen physician.
Couldn’t sunlight, zinc, and vitamins work as preventives? Folksy remedies were dismissed by the State’s experts. Didn’t Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) work efficaciously to prevent hospitalization and death in well over 90% of cases, if administered early? Ivermectin, even in the late stage? Didn’t Budesonide as well? In 2020, I discussed that with various local physicians in Sydney, Australia. They were not allowed to write a HCQ script even if you tested positive for the virus, let alone as a prophylactic. The promising Ivermectin suffered the same fate. But The Lancet did confirm that early administration of Budesonide helps. Except in nations that have defied the West’s orthodoxy. It’s a scandal that would sell newspapers, yet the legacy media ignores it.
The global “experts” first dismissed HCQ, then concocted a failure in studies restricted to wherein HCQ was administered late. The world’s top two medical journals even published a paper with fake data, and later retracted it. But by then the damage was done.
We will test you, we will decide when you get admitted to hospital. If you do land there, a stranger under our control may well withhold the most promising treatments from you. If you survive all that, and get cured and discharged … don’t breathe a sigh of relief that you now have antibodies that in the case of SARS-1 lasted up to 12 years. Because we want you to get vaccinated no matter what. And vaccines may only prevent severity, not the disease.
Vaccines will have the same outcome as widely-available inexpensive therapeutic medications like HCQ, Budesonide, and Ivermectin. So we never needed the lockdowns.
In other words, vaccines will have the same outcome as widely-available inexpensive therapeutic medications like HCQ, Budesonide, and Ivermectin. So we never needed the lockdowns. Many of the deaths that already occurred could have been prevented. And we would have got to herd immunity a lot quicker. Indeed, COVID antibodies were arguably 50-80 times the detected COVID cases back in April 2020 (due to undetected asymptomatic transmission); antibody testing was quickly condemned, and, denied funding, it ceased to be the marker of herd immunity.
And, despite uncertainty on the origin of the outbreak, any contrary opinion, even from a virologist that actually worked in the Wuhan lab (e.g., Dr. Li-Meng Yan), was branded as misleading “information.” Thanks, Facebook, you never grasped the distinction between assertions, facts, information, and opinion. Did you even want to?
All the State’s experts agreed on lockdowns, masking, social distancing, and vaccinations. Always. Globally. Every expert who disagreed was marginalized.
Why? Let’s formulate a hypothesis.
Standing orders to purchase vaccines are triggered by WHO declaring a disease to be a “pandemic.” By November 2020, over ten billion doses had been pre-ordered.
The industry also has immunity without precedent. CNBC’s MacKenzie Sigalos reports:
The federal government has granted companies like Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability if something unintentionally goes wrong with their vaccines.
“It is very rare for a blanket immunity law to be passed,” said Rogge Dunn, a Dallas labor and employment attorney. “Pharmaceutical companies typically aren’t offered much liability protection under the law.”
You also can’t sue the Food and Drug Administration for authorizing a vaccine for emergency use, nor can you hold your employer accountable if they mandate inoculation as a condition of employment.
Perhaps the pharmaceutical industry would rather the enormity of the financial benefit from the vaccine race than an equally effective cure from generic or inexpensive medicines. But how would they lure most governments into doing their bidding?
We can hazard a guess. The chief suspect is cronyism, the cancer that many politicians want to infect capitalism with, so they can boost their own power, prestige, and wealth.
Here’s what Olivier J. Wouters inferred in JAMA Internal Medicine (May 2020):
This observational study, which analyzed publicly available data on campaign contributions and lobbying in the U.S. from 1999 to 2018, found that the pharmaceutical and health product industry spent $4.7 billion, an average of $233 million per year, on lobbying the U.S. federal government; $414 million on contributions to presidential and congressional electoral candidates, national party committees, and outside spending groups; and $877 million on contributions to state candidates and committees. Contributions were targeted at senior legislators in Congress involved in drafting health care laws.
Have a read of the interview of Dr. Mike Yeadon, a former VP of Pfizer, in case you are still dismissing all suspicions of a “framed” narrative.
Dr. Yeadon’s key points are:
I rest my case. Even if corruption and favoritism did not exist, a mixed economy will bring them into existence.
(2) Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)—in 2020, an absurdist economic theory became mainstream. It claims that federal budget deficits do not matter for governments that can print their way out of debt. That such governments will never default (clearly, debasement is not regarded as a de facto default).
But, as I remarked in “Will Sovereign Defaults Trigger the Next Financial Crisis?”—
According to MIT Press, “The first recorded default goes back at least to the fourth century B.C., when ten out of thirteen Greek municipalities … defaulted on loans from the Delos Temple.” MIT Press also details sovereign debt restructures from 1820 onwards, and there hasn’t been a continent on earth or a long-enough period without one.
In recent times, such defaults have been witnessed for Russia, Argentina, Ecuador, Greece, Iraq, Uruguay, and many others, with investors taking ‘haircuts’—a cutback in the principal amount repaid—some ranging from 50% (Russia) to nearly 90% (Iraq).
On March 18, 2021, Joe Wiesenthal and Tracy Holloway of Bloomberg Markets had MMT champion Stephanie Kelton on their show. The obvious question was raised by Wiesenthal: “If we don’t need to worry about deficits, why do we have taxes?”
Kelton’s response? (See minute 44 to 45; her sentiments are encapsulated below):
Taxes are a way to remove spending power from people so the State can decide how to spend [their money] … they are important for redistribution for wealth and income … they are a way of punishing and incentivizing behaviors.
Now that is revealing. Kelton is not hiding the bias that ensconces the MM “theory”—taxes are a way to let the State control behavior outside of the criminal justice system. Let’s remove the brakes on the State and use taxes as a brake on runaway inflation when needed. In other words—let the State grow exponentially at the expense of the rest of us.
But as Jeff Deist points out here, MMT is neither modern, nor monetary, nor even a theory.
Economist Michael Sanibel puts it succinctly: “A nation’s currency is not exempt from the laws of supply and demand so the more that is printed, the less it is worth.”
There is no magic pudding. It is laughable to theorize that there is.
But academe, politics, and the mass media (the “establishment”) is happy to remove even the theoretical brakes on the runaway federal budget-deficit trains. Many conservatives are also on this joyride, but the commonsensical counterview—which is that MMT is just fakery—is only available on outlier media like personal blogs and libertarian websites.
(3) What’s Rihanna got to do with the Indian farmers’ strike?
What do you get when you google “Indian farmers’ strike”? Ideological hegemony. All websites that are on the first page blame the new laws. Farmers are oppressed, big corporations will acquire their farms. Poor farmers. Modi bad. That’s about it.
But corporations do not have invading armies. They may make offers that small farmers are free to refuse. Greta Thunberg and Rihanna weighed in to support the “poor” farmers. Of course.
Popstars matter. Alongside footballers, they dominate the list of the most-followed Twitter and Instagram accounts. Academe has been corrupted, but the way to people’s hearts and minds is not just via MSNBC, PBS, and The Guardian. Get Rihanna and Beyoncé to amplify the sound bites. The likes of Rihanna have more followers on social media than the whole lot of them—the New York Times, MSNBC, and CNBC, combined.
Now here’s a headline that Google does not want you to stumble upon: ‘Farmer protests’ are nothing but manufactured perception to fool the country, protestors constitute less than 1% of real farmers in the country. The establishment would be most upset if you actually read that piece, or this article, headlined: Corporatism: Influential Farmers in India Oppose Pro-freedom Agricultural Reforms, in which author James Talocka says:
The reform that has generated the most outrage, the Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce Act, grants farmers the freedom to sell directly to private traders and retailers, allowing them to bypass government-sponsored middlemen.
Predictably, those standing in the way of liberalization are those who gain the most from government intervention. Rice and wheat farmers from Punjab and Haryana are the principal beneficiaries of India’s state-run agricultural system.
There is no Farmers v Modi. Undeserving middlemen are being given the boot. Virtually all farmers are thrilled at the outcome. Who knew?
There is no Farmers v Modi. Undeserving middlemen are being given the boot. Virtually all farmers are thrilled at the outcome. Who knew?
We have but taken only three illustrations here. It would be possible to go into the hundreds, including encouragement to file fraudulent campus-rape charges, the climate scam, and the biased-beyond-belief coverage of the 2020 U.S. presidential election.
Ultimately even the most stubborn will yield—at least to the possibility that an attempt to manufacture a global consensus is underway—by an establishment that includes the likes of Facebook, Google, Twitter, and YouTube.
Who does a false consensus assist? Those with power or wealth created by the false narrative. Or those whose deep-set ideology taints their worldview to believe in the falsehood. Such accusations, though, fly from all directions toward many sources. If there is a single dominant establishment narrative, then one ideology has powered over others. Which one?
If you haven’t read the essay “The Neo-Marxists’ Long March through the Institutions,” you should. To quote Bradley Thomas:
Modern-day American universities, public education, mainstream media, Hollywood, and political advocacy groups are dominated by leftists. This is no accident, but part of a deliberate strategy to pave the way for communist revolution developed more than eight decades ago by an Italian political theorist named Antonio Gramsci.
Gramsci spoke of organizations including churches, charities, the media, schools, universities and “economic corporate” power as organizations that needed to be invaded by socialist thinkers. The new dictatorship of the proletariat in the West, according to Gramsci, could only arise out of an active consensus of the working masses—led by those critical civil society organizations generating an ideological hegemony.
Later, neo-Marxism itself morphed into “postmodernism”—a revolution that violates individual souls. Apart from spreading economic class conflict into a variety of “oppressed v oppressor” wars, its key weapon is to diminish the power of reason.
In postmodernism, history becomes subjective, a record merely of how we choose to interpret it.
Science has been assaulted by subverting its own stronghold against fakery—the peer-reviewed journal.
Even science has been assaulted by subverting its own stronghold against fakery—the peer-reviewed journal. Even hoaxes are published in peer-reviewed journals. How? The State controls the bulk of the research funds available for most disciplines as well as prestige and power via lucrative consulting roles and honors bestowed. Opposing the establishment narrative can become tantamount to career suicide.
Further, every nation-state has effective ownership and thus control over at least one major public media group. But hordes of Gramsci’s followers, schooled in neo-Marxist orthodoxy, have joined the ranks of the elite in private mass media for decades.
And, before we praise the fleet-footed Facebook and YouTube for giving a voice to the silenced, let’s remind ourselves of what Dr. Michael Rectenwald says in “USA 2020: An Election Swayed by the Thought Police”:
Both Google and Facebook received start-up capital—both directly and indirectly—from U.S. intelligence agencies. In the case of Facebook, the start-up capital came through Palantir, Accel Partners, and Greylock Partners. These funding sources either received their funding from, or were heavily involved in, In-Q-Tel.
In 1999, CIA created In-Q-Tel, its own private sector venture capital investment firm, to fund promising start-ups that might create technologies useful for intelligence agencies.
Google’s contracts with the intelligence community (IC) have continued. Moreover, these platforms and social media outfits fully cooperate with the IC and military, handing over data to the NSA upon demand and granting them backdoor access to user data. Google was a deep-state asset from its inception and remains one to this day.
Meanwhile, Twitter and YouTube de-platforming of conservative voices accelerated in 2020. Facebook, posing as a mere “platform,” now routinely removes anti-establishment opinion postings as “fake news” or marks them as “misleading information.”
Why would a private sector entity serve its founding entity even after it’s publicly listed? Because the “venture capitalist” was the State, and the State continues to control the most lucrative revenue contracts that a private entity can win.
Quite likely, the “Deep State” is getting deeper because the State’s proportion of the economy is incessantly growing (and will accelerate with the “modern monetary theory” gaining ground); it already controls the bulk of education curricula, research funding, revenue-earning contracts, and honors. It has the bulk of the carrots, and, via its cancel-culture arm, an ugly career-ending stick.
Worse, in the United States, there’s a move to brand contrary opinion with the terrorist label. The liberal press is no longer a watchdog over the State’s burgeoning powers, it is its lapdog.
Fighting the Deep State is now horrendously difficult.
This Gramscian “ideological hegemony” is aimed at creating a global neo-Marxist utopia.
But the smarter rulers know that state ownership of the means of the production fails miserably—so they’ll let some of the private sector flourish—the most productive ones can always be entrapped later by choking regulation and incestuous rewards—economic fascism leads to a stable long-term rule of tyranny— “Stakeholder Capitalism” is a Trojan Horse for fascism. Big corporations are already entrapped, most are now sworn enemies of true capitalism.
The vaccines against the pandemic of lies are not made available by Pfizer, Moderna, and Astra-Zeneca—they are sourced from actuality, veracity, and the unvarnished truth. How are these vaccines obtained?
Ask the searching questions. Read and listen to the non-establishment periodicals like Savvy Street. Get hold of a copy of Media Wars: The Battle to Shape Our Minds. Read it.
Reality is an ally of the truth, for eventually, the truth will out.
But what happens once you become savvy, when you know the path?
The stakes are phenomenal. If we stay quiet now, we could be silenced forever.
Speak up. Tell truth to power. Directly if you can. Indirectly if you cannot. Engage with your family and friends. Keep calm. Stay rational. But above all, persist. Share the truth on social media or email … articles, videos, podcasts … distribute the “vaccine of truth.”
In February 2021, Australian MP Craig Kelly was pushed out of his conservative political party for persistently telling truth to power on HCQ, Ivermectin, and the climate racket, but, he stays in Parliament as an independent, more popular than ever.
So do voice your concerns wherever you peacefully can—town hall meetings, social media, blogs, comment on sites, talkback radio, meet your constituency’s parliamentarian. … If you have no time but have money, donate to the voices that are truth-tellers. If you have no money to spare, find the time.
The stakes are phenomenal. If we stay quiet now, we could be silenced forever.
The only danger, to a mixed economy, is any not-to-be-compromised value, virtue, or idea. The only threat is any uncompromising person, group, or movement. The only enemy is integrity.
Ayn Rand, “The New Fascism: Rule by Consensus,” Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal
March 27, 2025
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