The Gossip Girls of Fascism and Marxism

By David Elmore

March 26, 2017



What if 97% of scientists said that there are purple cows orbiting Mars, and that the mooing of those cows occasionally reaches a crescendo, causing major earthquakes on Earth, as well as the intermittent wobble or axis change, bringing on Ice Ages?

What if 97% of scientists said that there are purple cows orbiting Mars, and that the mooing of those cows occasionally reaches a crescendo, causing major earthquakes on Earth, as well as the intermittent wobble or axis change, bringing on Ice Ages?

Government officials latch onto this fiction and insist that $1 trillion must be raised by extra taxation of citizens and businesses for dozens of missions to Mars, to destroy the “loud” cows.

The news media latch onto the fiction, giving print and video time, ad nauseum, to officials and scientists seeking government action. The media paint all opposition as “deniers.”

Yes, yes, you caught me. My analogy is the so-called “climate change.” And, as with the purple cows, the media echo the pro-government stance instead of seeking objective facts.

The “purple cow” scenario is absurd, of course, even for today’s mainstream media (MSM), but in actuality, in principle, it is no different. It is without factual substance, just as “climate change” ideology is – though climate speculation can more easily be dressed up as science, as factual.

With the climate fiction, the MSM don’t ask why predictions haven’t panned out, why CO2 (a sparse atmospheric gas) could have such a profound effect on temperature, why past ages with higher CO2 were actually colder, why the medieval warming period was warmer with less CO2, why sun-spot data seems to align perfectly with warming periods, why warming would actually be a bad thing (since cold is a much worse killer of humans), why there was a frigid 300-year period that ended in the mid-1800s before industrialization kicked in, why the Earth’s temperatures have risen and dropped by as much as 5 degrees over several million years without any correlation to CO2, etc.

There are a plethora of other questions not being asked by the MSM, which also doesn’t clarify that the “97%” figure was attained from a small group of scientists who simply said they thought that man-made CO2 “probably” has some effect on temperatures.

The MSM show no desire to obtain and disseminate actual facts of reality on the issue of climate change. This brazen evasion of reality is compounded further.

The MSM doesn’t address the more rudimentary issue concerning climate change: individual rights. It doesn’t dig down into – or even understand – what its primary job is: to protect individual rights, by serving as a watchdog over the Government’s potential abuse of power.

More fundamentally, the MSM doesn’t address the more rudimentary issue concerning climate change: individual rights. It doesn’t dig down into – or even understand – what its primary job is: to protect individual rights, by serving as a watchdog over the Government’s potential abuse of power.

So when the MSM first heard of “climate change” and the government’s interest in the issue, they didn’t ask the vital question, “How does this issue relate to the rights of individuals living in a society?”

This simple, but necessary, question would’ve led them down the salient path of relating man-made causality to rights – to property rights. They would ask, “Is the excretion of CO2 by individuals and businesses objectively affecting temperatures locally or globally, and if it is, is it significant enough to violate property rights, and if so, would this be a province of the legislative or judicial branch of government to deal with”?

With this fundamental philosophical and factual approach in mind, the MSM now would have a method for approaching the issue of climate change. It’s proper conclusion would be: “There are no clearly objective facts arguing for man-made CO2 being a causal factor in significant climate change, and if there ever is, property owners have recourse in a court of law to make their case, as with all ostensive violations of property rights.”

I’ve used the climate-change scenario as one of the most obvious examples of MSM irrationality – in circulating fake news.

Of gossip – frivolously divulging or reporting sensational facts without regard for truth.

But the “gossip” is, in fact, nearly ubiquitous with the MSM, including their name brands: The New York Times, The Times, The Washington Post, CNN, etc. It is ubiquitous not only among the “news” organizations, but also among the subjects they “cover.”

They do not delve into why Islam remains a barbarous ideology, and they certainly don’t call it that. They bend over backwards to avoid upsetting Muslims, pronouncing those who rightfully criticize Islam as “Islamophobic.” They don’t approach it from a rational “rights” perspective, exposing and decrying genital mutilation, oppression of women and gays, sharia-law atrocities, etc.

Instead, they gossip about “lone wolf” radicals and “anti-immigration conservatives” and judges’ forbidding face scarves in court and the alleged need for schoolkid indoctrination into the alleged peacefulness of Islam, etc. The MSM do not address the issue fundamentally, thereby making virtually all their stories fake – not based on the salient facts of reality.

In presidential (and other political) campaigns, they gossip endlessly on how a candidate looks, what their posture is, what glances they gave, what indiscretions they’ve committed. They echo the politicians’ trite and irrational comments on “welfare” and defense and so-called Social Security and regulations and taxes and tariffs and “buy American” and unions and healthcare, etc.

If they do discuss, editorially, any of the politicians’ stances on issues, they remain superficial, not digging into the fundamental rights involved with each stance, thereby showing themselves again to be avoiding salient facts related to human activity.

They don’t ask, “Does welfare violate the rights of workers, who are having their money taken from them and given to those who don’t work?”

They don’t ask, “Is taxation moral? And if it is not, how would government be funded?”

They don’t ask, “Do regulations violate the property rights of those who own businesses?”

They don’t ask, “Is Social Security actually a Ponzi Scheme that violates the rights of workers?”

They don’t ask, “Is the phrase ‘buy American’ both jingoistic and altruistic, leading to anti-competitive atmospheres and property rights violations?”

These and a plethora of other questions are not even considered by the MSM, and certainly are not asked of the candidates.

Instead, what we get is endless gossip about the “platforms” of idiots, of irrational people seeking political power over individuals in a society – while the MSM gossip and dance on the deck of the Titanic.

The MSM are Gossip Girls.

News – actual news – is only about facts. Anything else is fake. Anything else is galloping gossip – whether it’s about alleged purple cows orbiting Mars or the alleged necessity of racial quotas. If an issue is not factually addressed, then it isn’t real. It’s a side-track, a red herring, a gallivanting and cavorting with nothing.

If there isn’t a clear exposition of a chain of facts on any issue going all the way back to reality and rooted in objective thought, then it is meaningless, at best, and destructive, at worst. To expound on global warming has no meaning without facts. And it destroys property rights if the irrational gossip is accepted by citizens and authoritarian governments bent on regulatory control of private property.

In these cases, the Gossip Girls become the enemies of individual rights, purveying ungrounded fake news, instead of keeping governments in check by exposing potential violations of rights and coercion against human beings.

The Gossip Girls believe they are purveying news – serious news – when they quote Al Gore demanding “carbon offsets” or when they quote a “welfare queen” demanding to be “helped by society” or when they show obese people demanding to get “free health care” or when they blithely quote Donald Trump demanding “buy American” or when they laudingly report that Marxist Barack Obama has “high approval ratings.”

These issues would all be serious news if the Gossip Girls approached each with the idea of its relationship to individual rights. It would be serious if the Gossip Girls then itemized the facts relating to how each of these violates individual rights.

But instead, each is treated with the utmost gravity in and of itself – as if the narrative itself is metaphysically important, as if it is based on a chain of real facts. We might call them “stolen stories.”

This is why the MSM is full of fake news that’s fit to print. There is absolutely no substance to the MSM. It is fake news around the clock – straw-men subjects and issues with no relationship to the reality of human rights.

This is, of course, based on the nearly ubiquitous ideology of those in the MSM, which is Fascism/Socialism – anti-Capitalism. All issues are seen through these tainted lenses, instead of the clear lens of individual rights and capitalism.

So the Gossip Girls, truly, cannot help themselves. Instead of chuckling at welfare queens (and welfare) and exposing them for the parasites they are and the rights they wish to violate, the MSM focuses on the socialist “we must be our brother’s keeper.”

This is why the MSM is full of fake news that’s fit to print. There is absolutely no substance to the MSM. It is fake news around the clock – straw-men subjects and issues with no relationship to the reality of human rights. This is, of course, based on the nearly ubiquitous ideology of those in the MSM, which is Fascism/Socialism – anti-Capitalism.

Instead of calling regulations “suffocating anti-business actions that violate human property rights,” they talk of the fascist desire for governments to “control capitalism and pollution and CEOs.”

Instead of emphasizing that humans have a right to determine their own health care, they recommend and extol the anti-capitalist intervention of government into one of the most personal decisions any human can have: his own health and cures.

Yes, the Gossip Girls are now our enemies – the enemy of individual rights, as they prattle on about this and that and whatever thing that fits their anti-human ideology.

It’s time to broaden the definition of “fake news” to stories that do not contain actual factual, rights-based, objective information – and that is subconsciously designed to purvey fascist/socialist weltanschauungs.

Such “news” isn’t news at all. It’s a fascist/socialist red herring – a tangential, conceptual dead-end, like purple cows around Mars. It’s a vapor, a deadly vapor, bent on the intoxication and distraction of the human mind.

It’s gossip from the Gossip Girls of Fascism and Marxism.



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