“Trump Derangement Syndrome” Means Biden Can Say Anything

By Walter Donway

September 23, 2020



Whoever first identified “Trump derangement syndrome” (TDS) to describe the cognitive context-collapse caused by fury, fear, and foreboding after the 2016 election of Donald Trump to the presidency might have been joking. But the “diagnosis” caught on. And it far outlasted its value as humor. Because it is invaluable shorthand for what is easily observable by … well, anyone not afflicted by TDS.

By now, the TDS pandemic is so nearly universal among Democrats that both politicians and media feel confident in saying anything—absolutely anything—about President Trump.

By now, the TDS pandemic is so nearly universal among Democrats that both politicians and media feel confident in saying anything—absolutely anything—about President Trump. In the most recent New York Times (NYT) Sunday edition, columnist Frank Bruni attacked the president as “a cheat” in an article alleging without references that he cheated on his wives, his taxes, his business partners, 2020 voting plans, COVID-19—all his life, habitually. And that a “terrifying” number of voters didn’t care. The venom came drooling out in ways that would make readers pull back even from an article about Al Capone or Jack the Ripper. Oh, come on! (Interestingly, Mr. Bruni is an openly gay, former restaurant and movie critic who jumped to a column on politics in the New York Times. How did he qualify for a premier lot in arguably the most influential political-opinion real estate in the world? The answer is the story of the postmodernist (neo-Marxist) takeover of the NYT.)

This is the fare that now is served at every meal to sufferers from TDS.

And so we come to the Democratic presidential nominee for 2020. Joe Biden in a CNN “town hall” on Thursday, September 17, said of the COVID-19 virus that if President Trump “had done his job from the beginning, all the people [who died from it] would still be alive. All the people—I’m not making this up. Just look at the data. Look at the data.”

That’s right, he charged that Mr. Trump could have prevented any American from dying. In fact, he could have made the United States the only country in the world with no coronavirus fatalities. Right now, I hope you are saying, as readers should have said about Mr. Bruni’s sermon on sin, “Wait, wait! That doesn’t make sense! I don’t care for Mr. Biden, either, but he isn’t an idiot.”

And then, Sanjay Gupta, CNN’s chief medical correspondent, did his part. He said: “A source told me last night” that Trump “could have saved 80 to 90 percent” of Americans who have died of COVID-19 this year had he acted sooner.” The source, not yet revealed, is alleged to have revealed that a secret mask-distribution plan, allegedly nixed by the administration, would have saved almost every U.S. victim of the virus.

The United States, unlike any other nation, is alleged to have had a plan in place that could have saved everyone (said Biden) or 80-90 percent (said Gupta), but Trump just didn’t want to do it.

Again, the United States, unlike any other nation, is alleged to have had a plan in place that could have saved everyone (said Biden) or 80-90 percent (said Gupta), but Trump just didn’t want to do it.

In his column, Mr. Bruni wrote that Trump lied about the seriousness of the epidemic and predicted it would pass. President Trump denied that he lied. Early estimates of the danger of the epidemic, based on the catastrophic Spanish Flu, overestimated the potential world death toll by tens of millions. And panicked governors like Andrew Cuomo cried that New York State was catastrophically short of hospital beds. His estimate of needed beds, as of now, has proved 10 times larger than the actual need.

In response to this initial panic, President Trump said he sought to restore perspective and, above all, not to show that the country’s president also was panicking. He said: “I could not yell ‘Death!’ ‘Death!’—that is not leadership.”

What did the president do? His administration issued guidelines for dealing with the virus but left it up to governments on the local level to decide what to do. After all, at that time the virus was hitting some states hard, but many states almost not at all. Methods of prevention were a matter of trial and error. To the left-statist mind, government dictation is always the answer. The sooner and more sweeping, the better. Too often, the result has been catastrophe.

In fact, had Trump sought to hand down national dictates for dealing with the pandemic, Democratic governors would have rebelled. Democratic state governors followed NYS Gov. Cuomo in assuming essentially dictatorial powers from the outset. Gov. Cuomo won several hours of TV airtime daily to issue mandates, schmooze with voters, and, above all, criticize the president. Now, he is rushing into print, next month, his book “Lessons of Leadership.” Consider the unstated subtitle to be: My bid for the 2024 Democratic presidential nomination.

Yes, the governor took charge from the git-go. He virtually invented the concept of a statewide economic “lockdown” and the huge New York State and City economies went down. It could not be helped, said Cuomo. I will let you know when you can open for business again. Tune in every single day to hear what you can do and what you can’t.

And New York State, today, with some six percent of the population of the United States, has almost more than 15% of deaths. And several assessments reveal that excess pandemic deaths occurred in Democrat-governed states and regions. Gov. Cuomo is under investigation for concealing and distorting the huge proportion of deaths that occurred in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities.

But, of course, did the leftist Democratic media “opened up big” to swallow this allegation by the Democratic standard bearer? Actually, they did not. As e e cummings wrote in his famous poem, “i sing of Olaf glad and big”: “There is some shit I will not eat!”

The not-exactly-nonpartisan fact-checkers concluded that Biden’s claim was without merit.

The not-exactly-nonpartisan fact-checkers at the resolutely democratic Washington PostPolitico, and PolitiFact concluded that Biden’s claim that Trump could have prevented COVID-19 fatalities was without merit.

The Washington Post reported:

Actually, Biden is making this up. There is no data to support this, even if the president had moved rapidly in January to deal with the coronavirus and been able to persuade the Chinese leadership to be more forthcoming about the situation. Even nations that have been praised for their handling of the pandemic, such as South Korea, New Zealand and Iceland, have suffered some deaths (377 in South Korea, 25 in New Zealand and 10 in Iceland).

Politico added:

Biden vastly overstated what protections could have worked against the virus. He argued that had Trump done his job, everybody would still be alive — not true.

PolitiFact reported:

A more robust handling of the pandemic would likely have seen the country’s death count significantly reduced, experts said. But Biden’s claim that a different response from Trump would have prevented every coronavirus death goes too far.

Aggressive democratic management to head-off fatalities? Overall, infection rates have lowered—although there are worries about a “second wave.” But as this weekend began, New York, whatever Gov. Cuomo’s “lessons in leadership,” outpaced by far any other state in COVID-19 deaths with over 33,000 fatalities as of Friday afternoon, as the report in Worldometer showed.

Even back in May, the Pew Research Center noted that “The coronavirus outbreak has taken the lives of nearly 100,000 Americans.” Yet, since the start of the outbreak, the death toll has been concentrated in a just a few places–mostly large metropolitan areas, especially the New York City area.

An excellent rundown in Breitbart News made many of these points and added that “According to Worldometer, Democrats lead the majority (6) of the top ten states with the most deaths.”

Even the authority of Dr. Gupta, long a voice and face on CNN providing the “scientific” perspective, gagged the left mainstream media. Nor has he yet provided the name of his source. There is simply no evidence to support his allegation. So why make it—other than the need to catch Joe Biden in free fall after his brain-dead statement?

Breitbart News quoted writer Josh Jordan’s comment on Twitter: “This seems really irresponsible. First, most experts were wrong early on because China was lying about the virus. Some of the states made horrific mistakes (looking at you, Cuomo) early on. I have no doubt Trump could’ve saved lives by not downplaying it, but not by 80%-90%.”

By the way, although the U.S. is the world’s highest in absolute number of COVID-19 cases, as of September 16, it was ninth in deaths per million, behind other developed nations like Belgium, Spain, and the U.K.

Well, Mr. Bruni, media scourge of political lies and lying politicians, I look forward to your column next Sunday on the lies (let us be charitable to the poor old guy, the cognitive lapses) of Democratic presidential candidate Joseph Biden.

And while you are making insinuations about Trump’s marriage morality, check out what Paul Johnson, dean of British historians, reports on revelations about the almost unbelievable (yet apparently true) whoring infidelity of President John F. Kennedy in the “new Camelot.” But I suspect JFK is one of your shining idols.

You will feel or not feel compelled to exhibit to your readers some balance. Trump Derangement Syndrome has rendered that readership indiscriminately receptive to (as you say) cheating, cheating, cheating. But not by President Trump.


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