Wars Against Enlightenment Values

By Alexandra York

August 15, 2023


From Ancient Greece until America Today (And How to Fight This Last and Final Battle)


Preface: Many readers alarmed by today’s political-cultural assaults against reason, science, individualism, capitalism, and Constitutional rights are also aware that the causes of these threats are to be found in the history of ideas, specifically philosophical ideas. Therefore, I offer a “big picture” view of Western civilization’s rise from its Ancient Greek roots and the Enlightenment era’s fundamental values that is at perilous risk in the current, final battle of the now-never-ending wars between freedom and tyranny.

Enemies of freedom target the United States to be destroyed first among Western nations.

I also illuminate the reason why enemies of freedom target the United States to be destroyed first among Western nations. America stands as the “beacon of light” that personifies the very life-serving Enlightenment ideas that initiated Europe’s advanced development and gave birth to this one and only consciously-designed-for-liberty country in human history. America remains the symbol to the world for a philosophy of reason, earthly happiness, individualism, human rights, capitalistic-economic freedom, and unlimited human progress.

This overview provides a deeper understanding of the life-serving versus life-destroying ideas that have culminated in what may well be a battle for civilization itself.

In conclusion, I offer an imminently practical strategy that must be waged by “We the People” from all walks of life (adults and teens alike) that can halt the power-lustful-fast-escalating global governmental persons and self-appointed elites joint rush to authoritarian rule over a docile and dependent populace.

Now is the last stand for liberty. May those who recognize the ideological war and fight wisely be the first ones leading a winnable defense against despotism and among the last ones standing in victory for free individuals, free minds, and free markets to flourish everywhere.


“Modern” Western civilization began during what is termed “the long 18th century” (1685–1815) sometimes called “The Age of Reason,” but better known as “The Enlightenment” because of its centuries-long evolution and final intellectual emergence from Europe’s Medieval Catholic-Church-dominated “Dark Age.” That era’s focus on pro-reality, pro-individual, pro-reason, pro-liberty ideas not only rejected religious (and eventually monarchical) supreme authority but also produced colossal life-altering scientific and societal advancements at a quality and speed never before experienced in human history and remained dominant (at least in America) until the dawn of the 20th century.

What happened in the 20th century?

Wars happened. Wars of a different kind.

What kind of wars and why?

Over 2,000 years ago, these two seminal thinkers probed the subject of human nature conceptually.

To elucidate my thesis on the “What kind” and “Why,” I must set the stage by repairing to ancient Greek philosophy, specifically to that of Aristotle and his own mentor, Plato. Over 2,000 years ago, these two seminal thinkers probed the subject of human nature conceptually. Their ideas and influence still pertain today and forever will be relevant to human life on this earth because they deal with essentials regarding reality and the human condition albeit from opposite points of view—Plato leading to mysticism-authoritarianism and Aristotle to secularism-liberty.

Plato’s thoughts on ideal, unworldly “Forms,” for example, are compatibly woven into the Christian religion.

Plato’s thoughts on ideal, unworldly “Forms,” for example, are compatibly woven into the Christian religion. In contrast, the real-world-oriented Aristotle is responsible for the identification that, given the biological-mental nature of humans, it is philosophical-scientific reason (accurate perception-identification and noncontradictory conceptual thinking consonant with the facts of reality) that serves as humans’ primary faculty for survival. Aristotle’s identification led (rationally) to his extended emphases on humans’ natural and independent agency capable of leading to personal happiness—eudaimonia—while alive here on earth rather than in some ephemeral afterlife. Although he also influenced Christianity to some (secular) degree, he rose far above that then-contentious contribution to provide the elemental foundation for the overwhelming wealth of humanistic ideas that spread across Europe culminating in the Enlightenment era there. Even more significant is the fact that the same ideas gave birth to a unique, heretofore unimagined socio-economic system that above all other initiatives honors and constitutionally protects the sovereignty of the individual: The United States of America. Thus, Aristotle is the father of rational philosophy, the later flourishing Enlightenment (or Age of Reason) period in history, and the invention of a consciously designed free nation.

Aristotle is the father of rational philosophy, the flourishing Enlightenment (or Age of Reason) period in history, and the invention of a consciously designed free nation.

These two philosophical giants are necessary for attention here because this particular point in the present time cannot be understood without reference to the past, and especially because ever since the intellectual flourishing in ancient Greece the ideas of each—Plato:428–347 BC, and Aristotle:384–322 BC—have vied for cultural dominance in Western civilization. In addition, because from a purely practical viewpoint their ideas are eternally irreconcilable, one has risen while the other faded only to reverse influential positions back and forth across the ages, and that positional fluctuation is very much apparent today.

Although intellectually brilliant, philosophically innovative, everlastingly pertinent, and ground-breaking pivotal thinkers, it is important to appreciate that these masterful world-changers are not formidable abstractions too difficult or distanced to understand. They were real, living, breathing, thinking men who developed their theories in their own contemporary time and place. They certainly did not perceive themselves as existing “BC” (Before Christ). In ancient Greece, like everyone else in antiquity, Aristotle and Plato dated themselves on synchronisms, meaning by citing actual events that marked a certain period of time, e.g.: “The war broke out right after the second year of the tenth Olympiad, when so and so won the sprinting race.” [Sidebar: The BC-AD calendar system was invented in 525AD by the monk Dionysius Exiguus to establish a Christian chronology, but it did not come into common secular usage until the 9th century. This bit of information may not seem germane to our main subject, but in fact the contemporary context of any historical figure is important to consider when contemplating their personhood and their work.]

Their ideas have lasted because, along with Socrates (as reported by Plato) and Thales long before him, they are the most important thinkers to establish philosophy—as currently understood more narrowly (albeit in that era as the “love of wisdom,” it included what we call today natural sciences and the humanities)—as a distinctive conceptual discipline. They both established formal schools of philosophy in Athens, Plato’s “Academy” and (later, after Plato’s death) Aristotle’s “Lyceum.” And they both are especially significant regarding the conflicts of present-day Western civilization because Plato was a mystic and Aristotle a realist, so these two provide the polar positions that have informed secular philosophy and the Christian religion throughout history right up until to this very moment.

Still. . . Although fundamentally significant in the area of human identifications and behavior since ancient Greece, philosophy and religion alone do not all of history make. As noted at the outset, 18th-century Enlightenment ideas based in individualism, liberty, reason, and objective scientific enquiry inspired by Aristotle established their supremacy via verifiable logic and knowledge regarding both human nature and physical nature. These, in turn, validated not only the efficacy of individual worth and human agency but also laid the groundwork for countless future Enlightened verities pursued and promoted by much later philosophers like John Locke, who had great influence on American thinkers—Jefferson, et al—and led the way to American independence from England.

Along with the earlier invention of the printing press that brought literacy and knowledge to many Europeans and the ensuing Lutheran Protestant Reformation’s challenges to the Catholic Church’s priestly authority, one of the most far-reaching societal impacts to find fresh relevance during the Enlightenment era was Copernicus’s heliocentric system providing proof that planet Earth is not the center of the universe. As more and more interest in reasoning and the power of independent human agency advanced, this fact took on renewed meaning by finally undermining the continuing belief that a God in heaven personally influences the behavior of every human here on earth—three major religions are based on this faith all claiming the same doctrine: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Even after works of the great precursors of the Age of Science (Galileo, Kepler, and Copernicus, himself, along with the later Isaac Newton) that preceded the Enlightenment era were established, the Christian religion’s hold on the imagination of the European masses remained intact. With the evolution of Enlightenment ideas, however, reacquaintance with the heliocentric system in particular shifted emphases: although God was still believed by many (then and now) to be the source of all creation, this directly-relevant-to-everyday-life knowledge began to weaken reliance on both Catholic priests and the Protestant clergy alike for life-guidance. This, in turn, meant that humans could personally pursue their own individual interests for the purpose of improving the quality of their lives while on earth and achieving happiness according to their own desires while inhabiting it, thereby putting into actual practice Aristotle’s theoretical premises. Thus, in a sense, because the earth was not the center of the immense universe, the growing humanistic belief that man was the center of his own “universe” here and now on earth released an astonishingly new creative impulse.

Results of all these liberating Enlightening ideas? A tsunami-level flood of individually created economic commerce, scientific inventions, and cultural innovations that fostered the magnificent 19th-century Industrial Revolution, all enriching the lives of Western civilization populations. To name (really!) just a few: the steam engine, harnessing electricity, the telegraph and telephone, the internal-combustion engine, and the automobile.

The dark evil of tyranny, however—the craving for power by priests and/or potentates—did not wither under the bright glare of the same Enlightenment values; therefore, although no longer anointed by some higher authority, there would and will always be those who would strive to dictate the lives and conduct of others.

Thus, even though independent and productive individuals still enjoyed reaping the rewards of freedom, as the 19th-century faded into history and the 20th-century began to strike its hours on the clock of eternal time, Plato started another upsurge. By the early 20th-century he finally stood at par with Aristotle, causing the philosophical pendulum of Enlightened civilization to hang motionless in the balance for an entire century.

Unlike historical preoccupations with Plato’s otherworldly Forms as applicable to religion, however, in the West’s 20th-century environment it was (and is) his worldly, socio-political ideas that challenge individual autonomy and the future of Western civilization’s Enlightened preeminence. Aristotle’s tenets of personal liberty, reason, and individual self-determination came under challenge by those who wished to institute Plato’s highly structured “ideal” society like the Sparta-inspired model presented in his Republic: a top-to-bottom-controlled society ruled by elite edict. Hence, even though 20th-century Western-civilization populations continued to benefit from the creation of brilliant technological advances, they also experienced the conflict of philosophical ideas that then metamorphized into actual physical wars.

We should preamble consideration of this historic turn of events by recalling that humans have always warred against one another: Wars for territory, power, or plunder from small African tribes to the vast Roman Empire; religious wars for one God or another; revolutions against authority; and so on. But the 20th-century issued in unique world wars because (regardless of accompanying territorial gains) they were not primarily local, regional, continental, or between only a couple of countries (Japan and Russia, for example); they were World wars, and the end goal of these modern wars was not material booty, or a God’s superiority, or riddance of tyrants but human extermination and/or oppression to make way for new ideologies—these were philosophical wars carried out in the political arena.

World War I started the trend because it crossed many European borders by design and engaged the distant United States as well. Far from being “The war to end all wars,” that period of aggression (1914–1919) was a mixed bag of alliances, imperialism, militarism, and nationalism that revolved around basic ideas of patriotism and national-border independence. It resolved very little but became a precursor for more to come by creating a persistent resentment on the part of Germany, the country that would usher forth another war already simmering beneath the first.

When the curtain lifted on World War II in the 1930s, Nazi dogma (supremacy of the Aryan race), Hitler’s attainment of absolute power, and persecution/elimination of the Jews had already taken firm hold in Germany; plus, fascism via Mussolini subjugated Italy, and bald militarism raged in Japan because the Japanese held the notion that their race was superior to any other. In addition, the entire developed world suffered severe economic depression during the same period, causing fear and civil unrest wherever it fulminated and leaving whole populations vulnerable to authoritarian “assistance” that put many Western counties on a road to socialism, a most unEnlightened socio-economic system; FDR’s New Deal in America is the most telling example.

In 1936, Hitler sent troops to German-speaking areas of the Rhineland (France), Austria, and Czechoslovakia at the same time making alliances with Italy and Japan, all of which solidified the broad anti-Enlightenment commitment to centralized power that demolished independent, rational, self-interested behavior and individual responsibility on the part of the general populace. By then, the Bolshevik’s Marxist communism was solidified not only in Russia but also in the surrounding satellite countries it had annexed into what became the Soviet Union, and its own brand of collectivist ideology was infiltrating Europe and finding appeal even in America. Thus, totalitarian socialism, fascism, and communism—top-down collectivist dictatorships differing in labels only—were all uniting together against the now-fragmented West and everywhere threatening Enlightenment values of liberty and individual rights.

All other 20th-century wars (and there were many: Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, etc.) were not World wars, but the United States was actively embroiled in all of them. This is relevant because America above all countries has from its inception symbolized freedom, one of the primary tenets of the Enlightenment. So, the world was told that those battles, too, were fights for the cause of Western Enlightenment values—liberty and individualism, et al—but in the wise eyes of many they only strengthened the centralized power of the United States federal government and the military-industrial complex. We were warned against this by former WWII Army General Dwight D. Eisenhower when he was about to depart the White House at the end of his second term as president:

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes… Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.

And long before “Ike” the speech regarding America’s role in world affairs that then Secretary of State John Quincy Adams gave to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1821 included these words (bolding mine) cautioning the same:

Wherever the standard of freedom and Independence has been or shall be unfurled, there will her heart, her benedictions and her prayers be. But she goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own.

So, this massive growth of power by America’s federal government’s war-induced meddling abroad along with growing international and internal clandestine money-cultural influence maneuvering by both the military and the CIA (even in the field of art, especially during the Cold War) also began to divide U.S. citizens into factions for or against an emerging worldwide interference pattern by various American government bodies—the Vietnam war, of course, became the catalyst to induce clear-cut oppositional positions among Americans like never before. Then, add to the growing octopus-tentacled government military-intelligence activities and power, the massive increase of coherence—and this is crucial—among civilian oligarchic individuals on a global level that resulted not in ideologies put to military use, but ideologies become political agendas used for the purpose of overpowering the populace of the entire Western world, and we arrive at the present interconnected military/industrial/intelligence/global elites agenda centers both abroad and at home.

As cited, American involvement in proxy wars (Russia-Ukraine, China-Taiwan-to-come) exist at this writing, but the latter, the contemporary “elites”—like the 20th-century-formed Bilderberg Group—have not only proliferated in number, but are now diversified into many different organizations and have intensified their efforts to become the metaphorical and literal power “plants” to bear bitter and, perhaps, even poison fruit in this 21st-century.

So, Plato’s modern elites (both government/military and civilian) around the globe and here in America work together to obliterate all Enlightenment values—liberty, individualism, reason, personal agency, and objective science—by frightening the populace with predictions not only for nuclear war, but also, for planetary demise, pandemic diseases, and eventual societal destruction via divisive race and ethnic internal warring that never will end because government and elites keep stoking the fires of discord and discontent. Fear and propaganda are their weapons of choice to bring humanity to its knees in submission to their insatiable appetites for powerful exclusivity and fanatical desire for destruction of Enlightenment values.

Purporting to be missionaries working for worldwide racial redemption, ethnic equity (not “equality”), and redistributed prosperity as well as saviors of the planet Earth itself, many varieties and levels of cultish would-be dictators fully exhibit the characteristics of misanthropes. And misanthropes—being self-appointed superior know-it-alls over “average” folks—despise all “other” humans because of the qualities inherent in the others’ human-nature abilities to achieve successful independent and voluntarily cooperative survival tools: reason, responsibility, and individualistic self-sustaining productive independence.

Many of these global elite-activists have risen to wealth and impact by brilliantly excelling in one field which provided their elevated status but reveal them as one-trick ponies ignorant of and aloof from everyday realities. Many have gained entree into oligarchic power-cults via political and celebrity positions, influential “pull,” aristocratic family prominence, and business or media fame. Others are sincere but susceptible to causedu jour fads, but all have become fixated on rearranging human behavior to suit their own obsessive visions and are fully disconnected from the verities of the world outside their own insulated pseudo-idealistic bubbles. This disconnect occurs by isolating themselves from the general population’s values and concerns along with their assumption that ignorance of true progress is the norm for everyone except them. This, of course, is ironic in a demonic sort of way because it is they who fail to understand the reality of real reality that they so desperately attempt to distort in order to achieve their unrealistic goals.

To get even a hint of the vast scope of this global power-lust just search World Economic Forum’s “The Great Reset” and United Nations’ “Agenda 2030.” We know many of the elitist’s names; think of an English (so-called-newly-installed) “king,” a German engineer-economist, American corporate tycoons (especially individuals heading tech, financial-business media, and investment-asset-managing companies), entertainment celebrities, “aristocratic” family members, climate-change alarmists, clergy activists, and past/present international Heads-of-State.

For these dedicated agitators, the first step in solidifying complete Western-civilization subjugation—undeveloped countries are inconsequential, but they express concern to provide positive PR fronts—must be the return of Europe and America to a pre-industrialized state that will compromise all humans (except themselves, of course, who have or have access to unlimited funds and energy resources to sustain their own extravagant personal lifestyles). This means primitive “green” energy processes must be instituted to quell physical independence of the general populace and pseudo-science via media hype must replace objective science consonant with reality to control the areas of personal and planetary health.

Depopulation (allegedly for the sake of both humanity’s sustenance and the survival of earth) must be put into play by these elites for practical control of pure numbers. Nihilism is also in play for the effective processing of human annihilation in conjunction with anti-natalism because they work together to avoid (so the propaganda goes) “harmful” human behavior such as farming, animal-generated pollution, environmental damage, and procreation.

Many self-aggrandizing misanthropes who feel entitled to engineer global social changes because of their superiority over “average” people establish nonprofit philanthropic foundations to disguise the destructive motives behind officially stated missions that proclaim dedication to the “betterment”—especially behavioral—of humankind as a whole. Others who hold some position of authority utilize mandates or media-mind-manipulation to herd the masses into behavior that will self-destroy confidence in their own judgment of contradictory “facts,” thus leading them willingly down the path to servitude or destruction. The aforementioned “Agenda 2030” is only one of the latest schemes by the United Nations. That organization has from its inception (FDR, again) been a hotbed for conspiring countries to undermine Western civilization’s Enlightenment values, prominence, and achievements, and NGOs (UN non-government-organizations) routinely infiltrate big countries and small communities alike to “help” with programs that sabotage independence and halt advances in productivity.

Whatever the methodology of misanthropic maneuvering, the common goal of the maniacal individuals (who always operate lock-step together in allied or mutually supporting groups or organizations) is to achieve elimination of the whole of Western civilization—advanced civilization itself—via destruction of the Enlightenment values that created it. Their hatred for reason and individual human agency (because these abilities both support independent thought and action and because both are immune to being controlled) is the glue that binds them to each other in cause.

Most importantly, they all (along with their global governmental partners in crime) understand that the United States must be destroyed first among Western nations because it was founded on those very Enlightenment ideas that initiated Europe’s advanced development and gave birth to this one and only consciously-designed-for-liberty country in human history. Thus, America stands as the “beacon of light” that personifies the very same life-serving values these evil enemies—both internal and external—of freedom are striving to eliminate. It is the American flag that remains the symbol to the world for a philosophy of reason, earthly happiness, individualism, human rights, capitalistic-economic-social freedoms, and unlimited human progress.

As far as possible, misanthropes and government authorities rely on influential positions and “expert” opinion to sway the masses into believing their claims for adherence to their calls for action to right this or that perceived or invented wrong, but as we experienced during the Covid pandemic “mandates”—a honey-dipped word for “dictates”—will be put in place if the populace resists compliance based on fear and propaganda alone.

Which brings us wholly into the intensifying present 21st-century wars against the Enlightenment and the loss of Aristotle’s life-affirming values. Plato is prominent everywhere as elites vie or collude for their place at the helm of charting the future course of global domination and control. It is not one ideological world war at a time anymore. It is a sprawling artificially created “politically correct” ideological-military global war that spreads from west to east and east to west over several continents and oceans simultaneously.

It is clear that we witness more traditional soldierly wars activated as Russia seeks to absorb Western-leaning (and Western-funded) Ukraine. China ever more boldly signals not only absorption of Taiwan (Hong Kong already achieved) but replacement of the U.S. as the economic leader of the world—note absence of the word “free” preceding “world.” And Iran—courtesy of American weakness and outright consent—moves briskly and overtly ahead with its near-nuclear ability to fulfill its “Death to America” pledge.

But those are physical in nature, and as we see it is Western culture itself that is now threatened most seriously. Even Plato’s Republic claim that the state owns all of the children who must be taken from parents at birth and raised by that state is echoed in America today as too many educators and even the present official White House Press Secretary (a voice for Joe Biden’s carefully choreographed administration) says straight out as fact that “all children are our children now.” America is the global target for all elites abroad and here at home. Understood.

But worst of all these worsts is the fact that the United States’ populace is no longer “united” even in the most general sense of “We are all Americans.” We are deeply-to-the-philosophical level divided not only between each other’s political views but also on a fundamental revolutionary level between the knowledgeable, informed, and liberty-loving citizens and our own domestic government supported by an ignorant, lazy, and spoiled popular contingent. We the People today are the Whigs and Tories all over again—some wanting government authority (and comfort) and others wanting freedom—but this time it is our own government from the top down that is the collective “King” we will retain or oust. The other option is for us to become a new version of the North and the South fighting each other again over slavery, now not over slavery by race but over slavery wielded by an oppressive government over all of us waged by those who wish it and those who do not.

Thus today, we endure not only threats of global wars from without, but also both a Civil War and a Revolutionary War at the same time in our own land.

It is finally mysticism-statism (Plato) vs. reason-liberty (Aristotle) at the highest level in human history. Planet Earth has been turned into the new God that must be worshiped, obeyed, and sacrificed to. The elites are the new priests and potentates. The idea of climate change as globally threatening is very clever, indeed, because climate has no borders and covers the entire earth, so it is an easy next step to claim that countries also must have no borders. The illegal migrant invasions being encouraged into all developed Western nations, especially America, is no accident because the “select” elites both in and out of government must cause internal chaos (and reliable votes) in developed countries in order to govern globally and sacrifice whatever-the-number of human beings who won’t bow to the priests serving the Goddess Gaia.

This entire playbook is not “creative destruction” as is so often touted. Creative destruction is a positive term indicating that destruction of what was is for the purpose of initiating something better. Destroying the Enlightenment values of human survival—reason, liberty, individual autonomy, objective science—is for destruction alone. It is destruction of advanced civilization itself for the purpose of initiating in a Dark Age of tyranny, ignorance, and demolishment of all achieved during the 18th and 19th centuries as well as those of the 20th, for as noted, there was much (especially technological) advancement achieved during that world-war-driven period as well.

The open border issue raised above is only the latest tool the elites are and have been using to cause disorder and dissent within Enlightenment-centered countries. For several decades loads of “legal refugees” who have no inkling of or interest in Western civilization values have been inserted artificially into Europe and America. Some of these—particularly the Vietnamese—have adapted and grown into the Western “way of life,” while others—such as the vast majority of Muslims everywhere—have taken over cities (or parts of cities) and made them their own, having little to do with the rest of the nation’s population or values.

The 21st-century so far has witnessed many other elite-inspired devices to cause divisions among otherwise basically agreeable people. Educational indoctrination against Enlightenment values and for collectivism and conformity from pre-school on, sex “education” to confuse and disorient young children or even more aggressively to encourage actual physical mutilation of children’s bodies. When a nation’s children are destroyed, the future is lost because children are the future. It is all so obvious. And so diabolical.

Ergo: The solution? Well, there is one. Rational Americans who want to protect and promote individual autonomy must come together and fight together for shared Enlightenment values and know what sacred ground they are fighting for: a country rooted solidly in liberty, individual rights, reason, and objective science. Or else? We all shall perish together as a result of factional differences that the elites incite because they understand they can continue to gain power over all of us if we continue to fight among ourselves. Therefore, we also must put aside our differences now and postpone them for another more tranquil day.


The one and only answer is to turn to the one and only document that codifies Enlightenment values and can hold freedom-loving Americans together and become the incontrovertible “secular Bible” to which all from any and every ethnic background, race, economic status, or religious persuasion can profit for sustenance and direction: the United States Constitution.

Now is the crucial time to create “Constitution Clubs.”

This means that, difficult as it initially may seem, political party preferences and personal and/or religious moral systems must not interfere with strict and unbiased rational attention to the Articles, Bill of Rights, and Amendments written in that document. Clearly, the first thing to do is read the Constitution cover to cover. How many have actually done that? If not, all who care must do it! Take notes and mark up the margins with questions and comments. Americans the country over create or join book clubs, religious Bible study groups, joint cooking evenings, car-tech events, etc. to discuss subjects, analyze ideas, share knowledge, and debate respectfully with neighbors, friends, and colleagues. Now is the crucial time to create “Constitution Clubs.” Cherished values may be challenged, but that is healthy for any and all individuals with long-established mindsets; testing personal values can strengthen rational values or just as importantly introduce alternative and better values. Deep camaraderie may also develop as group members identify fundamental values that can open mental doors for understanding and knowledge to be judged rationally without emotions getting in the way.

Note that personal moral and social behavioral patterns are nowhere written in the Constitution. Nothing will be found to address sex, marriage, abortion, education, or child raising in this document, so all legislation regarding issues such as these is outside the purview of government, and legislation that interferes with private issues should be attacked with vigor. Getting the government out of our personal lives will eliminate much division among American citizens, so the first step is to insist on the proper role of a limited government as strictly outlined in the Constitution. Period. Strict adherence to the Constitution by legislators will also prevent special-interest groups, lobbyists, and elites from using government power to improperly formalize into law the personal beliefs and practical behavior that they wish to force on others for their own personal gain whether financial or dictatorial.

It might as well be stated bluntly—someone has to say it—that religious tenets, racial, and ethnic differences must be absent in positive collective activity to rein in government interference into all of our personal lives. Religiously held moral beliefs are individually held values, and the desire to legislate them in order to force others to abide by them is absolutely not only wrong but also counterproductive. This may be highly difficult for serious activists in this realm, but continuation of such practice will result in definite failure to save America as a free country. Period. Christianity brought on the Dark Age of ignorance, backwardness, and misery of Medieval life for hundreds of years, and it was only bravely emerging scientists, renaissance thinkers and artists, the Reformation, and the ensuing Enlightened ideas that destroyed the Catholic Church’s hold on individuals all over Europe.

The United States federal government must not be allowed to take place of the Church, and religious Americans must not attempt to use the government to force their personal beliefs on others. Race and ethnic background are something none of us can change. We are all humans who share the blessings and benefits of being Americans—that’s the common denominator that has to be first right now during this dire time if we are to survive as a free people. Such is self-evident and basic, and it is sheer insanity for us to tear each other apart over religious tenets, skin color, or ethnicity. If this is not understood, then the fight to get government out of our personal lives will be lost for certain, and the devoted Christian (and other) religious, black and ethnic Americans will be chained together along with everyone else. We must remember that these differences—race and ethnic “inequity” being foremost—are the very same differences that government and elites are using to divide us. So, we must close that divide by ourselves and fight government and elites together.

It is the United States Constitution that must become the shared communal “Bible” for all of us.

As proposed: It is the United States Constitution that must become the shared communal “Bible” for all of us at this crucial and pivotal point in time because it protects the religious of all persuasions, the nonreligious, and Americans of every color and background alike. This, alone, will help us work together for at least this pressing common cause. . .which is freedom from coercion by those who would enslave us no matter who we are or what we believe.

Every politician mouths the words “we all must get together and support each other” and more of the same drivel, but none of them mean it; these are just bromidic words to lull us into a mental stupor while the elites use government to slip the chains on us one by one or all together at once. Too many politicians are in the pockets of the elites, so they embolden the elites in order to boost their own power, position, or personal pockets. Recall the Biden and governors’ and mayors’ Covid mandates that turned the call of the elites for Covid vaccines and lockdowns into laws demanding compliance from the rest of us. And recall, also, how so many of the same politicians who bullied us into obedience flaunted the “mandates” themselves by going here and there to do this and that activity forbidden to the rest of us. The bald and blatant hypocrisy is for all to witness now.

It is ironic, however, that in point of fact it really is true that the charge to every honest and responsible American now is actually to “get together and support each other” as concerned Americans and begin actions to stop the elites and their government partners. Period. Get together in community halls, in homes, in places of worship, in backyards, anywhere and everywhere. Study the Constitution and do battle to bring it back to its rightful Enlightenment place in our lives.

Most Representatives and Senators spend half their time fundraising for the next election or meeting with lobbyists, who for too many (and there is proof) will in some way benefit them personally. Many others go into government only to gain name-face recognition that will pave the way to money-making book sales, media jobs, and corporate positions after they leave the halls of Congress. So, we must break through their staff firewalls to challenge privacy-invading legislation by nonstop persistence and hold legislators’ personal feet to the constitutional fire. Demand specific answers to questions and demand action to aright wrongs; they all have taken oaths and may need reminding that it’s our money that pays their salaries (and countless perks!). If cooperation is not forthcoming, pepper newspapers and every other publication with Letters to the Editor naming names and constitutional issues not addressed by the politicians you are questioning and/or form opposition groups to work toward voting them out of office, even putting forth your own candidates to run against them. Politicians count on apathy and/or obedience, so we must throw that sloth off our shoulders, speak up, and take action. They are not counting on this, and the compliance they enjoyed during Covid has emboldened them enormously.

If we do not gather in numbers and voices, we shall by default permit the coming global tyranny over us all and will have brought on control over every aspect of our lives ourselves. . .and delivered our children—the future—to the despots as well. We will have allowed it to happen when we, together, can stop it. If we do not fight, we then will also bear responsibility for the chains bound around us by regulations and mandates when it’s too late to speak let alone take action.

America is the crown of the Enlightenment. There is still time, but Darkness is fast approaching.



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